This Week for Faculty: Request a Workshop To Go for Your Classroom!

by | Feb 3, 2020

Featured Offering

Workshops To Go

CTL staff instructing faculty in classroom

Workshops To Go is an on-demand offering for departments or programs that wish to host a short pedagogical workshop for their faculty. All workshops present evidence-based practices and are grounded in the science of teaching and learning. With each Workshop To Go offering, faculty will receive tailored resources, strategies, and practices that help them address common challenges in their classrooms.

Department chairs and program directors may select a session topic from the list below, which can be offered in a 30-, 60-, or 90-minute format, or can choose to work with CTL staff to customize a workshop to meet the needs of the department’s faculty. 

Workshops To Go topics include:

  • Engaged Lecturing
  • Small Changes to Foster Inclusive Teaching
  • Teaching Large Classes
  • Learning Through Discussion

Please fill out this form to request a Workshop To Go. If you have questions or would like to request a custom workshop, contact

Upcoming Event

Engage and Assess Science and Engineering Students with Poll Questions

Are you looking to develop questions that go beyond recall for your Science and Engineering class sessions? Would you like to explore poll question formats other than multiple choice? Do you want to assess in real-time how well all your students are answering questions to inform your next instructional decision?

In this workshop, Science and Engineering faculty will learn how to develop questions that require students to use higher order cognitive processes, such as applying concepts or evaluating hypotheses, that they can incorporate into their classroom and assess their students’ understanding in real time. This workshop combines the cognitive framework Bloom’s Taxonomy and the audience response system, Poll Everywhere, that Science and Engineering Columbia faculty and students can access.

Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Time: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Butler 212

Planning ahead?


Teaching question?


Drop in Butler Library 212 for walk-in consultation hours.
