John Staunton
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physics; CTL Teaching Consultant
John (he/him) is currently a fourth-year graduate student in Physics studying the application of techniques in high energy physics to low energy phenomena, whether that be black holes, particles that can’t move without the help of a friend (called fractons), or the spontaneous creation of particles in an expanding universe. This is his first year as a Teaching Consultant at the CTL, where he has also participated in the Teaching as Research Seminar (TaRS) among various other workshops. Pedagogically speaking, his main interest is the implementation of evidence-based inclusive teaching and active learning practices in physics, which are both key to boosting the retention and flourishing of undergraduate physics students. John has been lucky to have the opportunity to pursue this goal as department preceptor for two years and lead TA for introductory physics recitations for three years, in addition to being the recitation TA for various other advanced physics courses.