Andrew Flatgard
Senior Learning Designer
212 854-1851
Andrew Flatgard is a Senior Learning Designer at the CTL. In addition to partnering with faculty across varies schools at Columbia University (Business, International and Public Affairs, Journalism, Jewish Theological Seminary, etc.), he manages numerous projects, including the Case Consortium @ Columbia case study collection and several Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Since the beginning of his career, Andrew has created effective learning and development interventions that help to achieve organizational goals in various industries including higher education, health, advertising, and manufacturing. Andrew earned a B.A. in Strategic Communications from the University of Minnesota, a M.S. in Human Resource Development, and a M.A. in Higher and Postsecondary Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, as well as certificates in teaching English as a second language and Human Resources.
When he is not working to fulfill his passion for educating and developing people, Andrew enjoys practicing Krav Maga, learning Spanish, traveling, and reading.