A. Maurice Matiz
Senior Director
212 854-2665
212 Butler Library
Maurice leads the Instructional Technologies group at the Center for Teaching and Learning. This group aims to create innovative and exemplary projects that showcase the potential of the purposeful application of media and technology to address educational goals. Maurice serves as PI for numerous grants supporting faculty explorations into online and blended learning. Maurice participates in numerous university committees exploring ed-tech directions at Columbia, while representing Columbia in various professional organizations.
As co-founder of the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning in 1999, he has been a long-time advocate for educational technology innovation at Columbia. He has been instrumental in developing initiatives such as course management systems, collaborative environments, podcasting and media platforms, and social media tools to serve teaching and learning needs. He has participated in the University’s efforts around massive open online courses (MOOCs), working closely with platform partners and faculty to produce model courses reaching tens of thousands of learners.
His interest in educational technology developed during a decade-long stint as head of the Academic Technologies Group, then part of Academic Information Systems. Maurice has a B.S. and M.S. in computer science from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS).