Call for Posters: Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium
Faculty, graduate students, postdocs and staff are invited to submit a poster proposal to share their teaching and/or curricular innovations. Communicate your contributions toward the improvement and enhancement of teaching and learning at Columbia. Accepted posters will be displayed throughout the Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. You will have the opportunity to present your poster during the poster reception from 5 – 6pm in Low Library and all presenters are requested to be in attendance at this session.
Examples might include collaborative learning activities, hybrid/blended classrooms, new models of student assessment, and teaching with technology, and may include projects that have concluded or are in progress. The Center for Teaching and Learning will cover the costs of printing accepted posters. The deadline for electronic submission of poster abstracts is Friday, January 24, 2020 at 5pm.
Poster Guidelines
We invite abstracts for posters that describe a recent teaching innovation addressing the following.
Briefly describe the course you teach at Columbia. (class size, level, place in the curriculum)
What aspects of the course did you want to improve or change? Why?
How did you approach the redesign of your course? Why?
How did your students react to the changes – were they effective?
What were the lessons learned or take-aways from your course redesign experience? What advice would you have for other instructors?
Proposal Timeline
Friday, January 24, 5pm: Deadline to submit a short abstract using the online application form.
Monday, January 28: Poster selection notifications will be sent to all applicants.
Tuesday, February 11, 5pm: Deadline to email final posters to the CTL. Email posters in PDF format to The CTL will fund and print all accepted posters.
Poster Format
Posters will be printed on 3ft x 4ft foam core and can be printed in landscape or portrait format. You may use any software to create the poster, but submissions must be in PDF format. As you create your poster please refer to this Poster Presentation Guide and poster evaluation rubric to help you make content and design decisions.
Please feel free to contact Michelle Hall ( with any questions you may have prior to your submission.