This Week for Faculty: Upcoming Special CTL Event: Theatrical Case Studies on Mentoring
❤️ Getting to the Heart of Teaching
At the CTL, we share your passion for teaching and learning. As you commit to being the best instructor and mentor for your students and seek ways to enhance your teaching and mentoring practices, we are here to help!
Join colleagues in exploring dramatized mentor-mentee conversations to support graduate student mental health. Open your classroom doors to a CTL consultant or invite a colleague to observe your teaching. Invite your students to provide feedback on their learning experiences so far this semester.
Special CTL Event: Theatrical Case Studies on Mentoring
Everything is Fine!: Mentoring to Support Graduate Student Mental Health
Do you mentor graduate students or postdocs at Columbia? Then join the Center for Teaching and Learning for an afternoon of livestreamed theatrical case studies and conversation with invited performers from the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)!
Through a dramatized series of conversations between graduate students and their advisors, this special session with the CRLT Players explores the personal and academic challenges that graduate students often experience and the impact of structural and interpersonal issues on these mentoring relationships. As part of the performances and facilitated discussions, you will think through different strategies to further enhance your relationship with your graduate student and postdoc mentees and better support their mental health.
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Online (livestream of theatrical case studies and facilitated discussion; not recorded)
Gain insights into your teaching practices
Request a teaching observation to receive feedback
Looking for feedback on your teaching? Request a Teaching Observation! Gain perspective, validate your strengths, and identify areas of your teaching that you would like to work on. The CTL will observe your class and meet with you to share feedback. Our consultants can help you think through your course goals, reflect on your teaching practices that support your students’ learning, and plan manageable next steps to meet your teaching objectives.
Collect feedback from your students
The CTL recommends gathering student feedback at various points within the semester, particularly early and mid-term, to better gauge the student learning experience in your course and identify ways to enhance it. The CTL’s Early and Mid-Semester Student Feedback resource outlines two approaches for collecting feedback from your students: 1) the Start, Stop, Continue method, and 2) a question bank for gathering feedback from students. The CTL is available to consult with you as you design your feedback survey, interpret the data, and address the results with your students.
The CTL is here to help!
Office Hours
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your teaching with instructional technology questions answered.
Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching, learning, and mentoring needs by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department.