This Week for Faculty: Preparing for in-person teaching and learning
Events This Week
Teaching in the Morningside eClassroom
January 26, 12:00-1:30pm
Learn about the classroom technology available in Registrar classrooms supported by CUIT on Morningside campus. Join us for this session live from Uris Hall! Register to participate in-person or via Zoom. Related resource: CUIT’s Hybrid Classrooms: Getting Started.
Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps
January 27, 1:00-2:30pm
Related resource: Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps
Tips and Resources to Transition to In-Person Teaching
1. Visit your classroom and familiarize yourself with the classroom technology available to support your teaching and your students’ learning.
Resources to help make your physical classroom work for you and your students:
2. Plan for the transition to in-person instruction and student engagement. Anticipate challenges, and craft and communicate policies and practices that support learning for all.
Resources to support your planning:
- Tips for Teaching in a Masked Environment
- From Online to Face-to-Face–Keeping What Works
- Supporting Learning When Students Can’t Make It To Class
- Five Tips for Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching with All Learners in Mind
Additional on-demand resources available through the Teaching in All Modalities page.
3. Keep your students and yourself in mind. Check-in with your students.
How are students doing with the transition from remote to in-person learning? Explore the on-demand resources developed by CTL student consultants in which they share their perspectives on the Return to In-Person Learning and Four Virtual Teaching Practices to Bring into the In-Person Classroom. The CTL’s resource on Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge offers strategies for teaching during times of stress and highlights campus support available to you and your students.
Call for Posters | 2022 Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium
The CTL would like to celebrate your contributions to teaching and learning at Columbia! Faculty, graduate students, postdocs and staff are invited to submit a poster proposal to feature their teaching innovations at the Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Accepted posters will be displayed throughout the event.
Poster submissions can feature innovative student engagement strategies that work in a variety of teaching contexts (hybrid/HyFlex, online, in-person courses), collaborative learning approaches, inquiry-based learning, reimagined assessments of student learning, anti-racist pedagogical approaches, the innovative use of instructional technology, among other topics.
The deadline for electronic submission of poster abstracts is Wednesday, January 26, 2022.
Unable to participate in-person on March 29 but would still like to contribute to the 2022 Celebration of Teaching and Learning?
We welcome text-based, audio, or short video recordings to be featured on the Symposium website as part of an online showcase.
Please feel free to contact the CTL with any questions you may have prior to your submission.
Office Hours
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your questions answered about teaching with instructional technology.
Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching and learning need by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department.