This Week for Faculty: Learning Through Discussion & Teaching Large Classes Workshops
Upcoming Events
Learning Through Discussion
Discussions can be meaningful and engaging learning experiences: dynamic, eye-opening, and generative. However, challenges can arise in the form of unequal participation, unclear learning outcomes, or difficult topics that turn into difficult classroom moments.
In this session, faculty will explore a three-step process to ensure that students understand the why and how of discussion and leave class with clear takeaways. With intentional planning and facilitation, faculty can work to ensure that students learn as much as possible from classroom conversations.
CUIMC Campus
Tuesday, September 24, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Armory Track & Field Center
Morningside Campus
Wednesday, September 25, 12:15 PM – 1:45 PM, Butler Library 212
Teaching Large Classes
Teaching large classes can present unique challenges that pertain to building rapport with and engaging students, managing large amounts of grading, using TAs effectively, and upholding academic integrity. In this session, faculty will explore these challenges and discuss evidence-based strategies to make large classes more manageable and enjoyable for faculty and students alike.
CUIMC Campus
Tuesday, October 1, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM, Armory Track & Field Center
Morningside Campus
Wednesday, October 2, 12:15 PM – 1:45 PM, Butler Library 212
Faculty Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching–A Hybrid Offering
Do you want to deepen your inclusive teaching practice by engaging in reflective activities and discussion with other Columbia faculty? This learning community is designed for Columbia faculty members interested in taking the CTL’s self-paced, 15-hour online course, Inclusive Teaching: Support All Students in the College Classroom, alongside a group of peers.
Columbia faculty, staff and students can get extended access to the MOOC (for one year instead of six weeks) and free verified certificates. Please fill out this form to receive your verified certificate access code.
There will be two in-person meetings during the fall 2019 semester (September 27th and November 1st) to help participants identify strategies and talk through particular challenges related to reaching all students in the classroom space.
Morningside Campus
Date: Friday, September 27, 2019
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: Butler 203
Planning ahead?
Teaching question?
Drop in Butler Library 212 for walk-in consultation hours.