This Week for Faculty: 🤖 Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI: Considerations, Resources, and Opportunities

by | Sep 20, 2023

On the new Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI: Considerations, Resources, and Opportunities page, learn about upcoming events, explore faculty and student perspectives, and find related resources.

We invite you to explore how your colleagues are integrating Generative AI into their classrooms, to join us to experiment with AI Tools, and to examine your teaching practices.

Explore how colleagues are integrating generative AI into their classrooms

The new resource “Incorporating Generative AI in Teaching and Learning: Faculty Examples Across Disciplines” features examples of how faculty across disciplines are teaching AI literacy, and redesigning course elements to refocus on student learning and transparently communicate expectations to their students about the use of generative AI.

“I encourage and credit students for using generative AI in their homework (…) Students are required to document the entire use of AI by listing the prompts used and results obtained.” – Hod Lipson, James and Sally Scapa Professor of Innovation at Columbia, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Data Science Inst., Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

“By providing ChatGPT as a tool while learning programming, our goal is to leverage AI to provide the cognitive scaffolding to alleviate the cognitive load associated with programming and coding, and help students engage in higher-order thinking and cognitive skills.” – Meghan Reading Turchioe, Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Nursing

“I am developing an approach to AI literacy that teaches comprehension of machine intelligence’s capabilities. I hope my students will learn to judiciously select only certain aspects of their thinking, reading, and writing labor to be augmented with the assistance of AI systems—if at all.” – Kirkwood Adams, Lecturer in the Discipline, English and Comparative Literature

Experiment with generative AI tools

Teaching Lab for Generative AI Tools Series

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the landscape of teaching and learning in higher education. This fall, we are hosting a series of in-person labs where faculty and CTL staff will explore generative AI tools and their potential applications in the classroom. If you’re looking for a supportive space to explore the ways generative AI tools can be used to enhance teaching and learning, join the CTL for this Faculty Lab for Teaching with AI Tools!

Teaching Lab for Generative AI Tools: Designing Effective Prompts
October 26, 2023 – Register
12:00-1:00pm, 213 Butler Library
In this lab session, instructors will gain experience crafting effective prompts for AI and explore various strategies for incorporating prompt engineering into their classes. Understanding how to design prompts that can effectively drive AI-powered learning tools is a skill that allows instructors and learners to unlock the full potential of AI in the classroom and beyond. 

Teaching Lab for Generative AI Tools: Community Building
November 14, 2023 – Register

10:00-11:00am, 213 Butler Library 
In this lab session, instructors will explore practical strategies for using AI tools to cultivate a sense of belonging, foster interaction, and stimulate intellectual curiosity amongst their students. Instructors who are interested in discussing AI tools in their courses—or embedding them into assignments—might find employing AI in community building to be a low-stakes and potentially fun way to begin the conversation about AI in their classes.  

You do not need any prior experience with AI tools to participate in these sessions. All that is needed is a laptop. Since each lab session will give you the option to explore one or more AI tools, you may need to create free accounts with various AI tools before the start of the session, and facilitators will reach out beforehand with more information. 

Examine your teaching practices

As you determine the role of AI in your courses, reflect on the following questions: 

  • What are your expectations of your students’ use of AI in your classroom?
  • How might you help your students develop AI literacy skills in your course? 
  • What conversations have you had with your students about AI?

Find tips and strategies in related the on-demand resources:

The CTL is here to help!

Office Hours 
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your teaching with instructional technology questions answered. Through September 22, walk in to 212 Butler for in-person support or schedule an in-person appointment any time by contacting

Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching and learning need by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department.