This Week for Graduate Students: CTLgrads Summer Bookclub—Ungrading
CTLgrads Summer Bookclub
Grades are ubiquitous within education, but are they necessary? Join us every other week for this summer’s CTLgrads Bookclub as we read Susan D. Blum’s 2020 publication, Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead). The book collects theoretical and practical discussions by faculty who have chosen to “ungrade”—that is, de-emphasize grading as much as possible in order to focus students on their learning. Our discussions will help us return to our own practices to reconsider how, what, and why we give grades. These sessions are open to graduate students and postdocs, feel free to join any or all sessions throughout the summer!
Summer Bookclub sessions count as Pedagogy Workshops in the Teaching Development Program
Dates: Every other Wednesday starting June 1 through August 24
Time: 2:00–3:15 PM
Location: Hybrid format; join us in-person in Butler 204 or online via Zoom
Register for upcoming sessions: June 1, June 15, June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10, August 24
Seeking Co-Facilitators for Pedagogies of Race and Oppression Learning Community
The GSAS Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusion seeks two advanced doctoral students (years 3-7) who would work together to co-facilitate its Pedagogies of Race and Oppression Learning Community in AY2022-2023. This Learning Community is offered in partnership with Columbia’s Center for Teaching and Learning.
The co-facilitators are appointed as OADI Fellows and are provided with a modest stipend for the year, beginning in August 2022 and ending in May 2023. With guidance and administrative support from OADI and CTL staff, the Fellows work as a pair to create and deliver a year-long series of activities (3 sessions each for first cohort in fall semester and a second cohort in spring semester) to engage the Columbia graduate community in collective exploration and learning about focused topics in pedagogy and teaching practice as they relate to race and marginalization.
Qualified applicants should have some experience teaching college students or adult learners, be comfortable discussing concepts related to racism and oppression, and have some familiarity with one or more relevant pedagogical frames.
Learn more about this past year’s learning community here, and apply for the fellowship here (search for Job ID 27089) by June 22, 2022.
CTL Is Here All Summer!
If you have questions about teaching or would like to find out more about CTL fellowships, programs, services, job market preparation, and making progress in the Teaching Development Program, schedule an individual consultation or email us at