This Week for Graduate Students: Inclusive Teaching Seminar: Last Day to Apply!
Inclusive Teaching Seminar: Last Day to Apply!
Conversations about inclusive teaching are increasingly more common on college campuses. Instructors are tasked with understanding and responding to issues of diversity in their classrooms and with articulating their own approach to teaching with an inclusive framework. How can we create classroom environments that set up all students for success? How can we help our students learn through the diversity of experiences and perspectives they bring to the classroom?
Join us for an in-depth series of workshops coordinated with Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) produced by the CTL that explores the principles and frameworks that define an inclusive teaching practice. The discussion series consists of 6 sessions, each one debriefing a module of the MOOC. Applications for participating in the seminar will be accepted through October 3.
Date: Wednesdays from October 12 through November 16
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Location: in-person at 212 Butler Library
Get Feedback on Your Teaching: CTL Services
If you’re a current instructor or TA, the CTL offers free services that can give you valuable insight on your teaching strengths and paths for improvement. Trained graduate student Teaching Consultants visit your class, debrief with you, and provide you with a confidential report.
Completion of a CTL service satisfies the Application and Practice requirement in the Teaching Development Program.
Teaching Observation
In a Teaching Observation, a Teaching Consultant meets with you ahead of time to understand your goals for a class session, attends the session to observe your instruction and student activities, and debriefs with you afterwards. You will receive a confidential report considering how the goals you have set for the class have been met, suggesting future adjustments, and highlighting pertinent resources available to you.
To arrange for a teaching observation, submit a request at least two weeks prior to the date when you would like a Teaching Consultant to visit your class.
Mid-Course Review
In an MCR, a Teaching Consultant gathers feedback from your students about what they find to be helpful and challenging when learning in your section or course. The Consultant then meets with you to unpack what your students have said. Doing an MCR now can help you make adjustments and improve your students’ experience for the rest of the semester.
To arrange for an MCR, submit a request at least two weeks prior to the date when you would like a Teaching Consultant to visit your class. All MCRs must be completed by November 4, 2022. Requests for MCRs will close on October 14, 2022.
Mid-course reviews and teaching observations count towards completion of CTL’s Teaching Development Program for graduate students.
Microteaching Practice
Want to practice a new in-class activity or just get some more practice before teaching in your classroom? Join peers in a Microteaching Practice session where you will divide into groups of 3-4 with a facilitator and take turns delivering short samples of instruction to each other. After each teaching sample, your facilitator and your peers will offer structured feedback to support your teaching. Whether or not you are currently teaching at Columbia or not, you are welcome to attend Microteaching Practice sessions.
Upcoming sessions:
Friday, October 14, 2:00-4:00PM
Thursday, November 10, 1:00PM-3:00PM
Upcoming Lead Teaching Fellow Events
The 45 2022-23 Lead Teaching Fellows are running workshops and discussions in departments all around Columbia. These are generally advertised locally. Below are a few upcoming events that are open to participants beyond the LTF’s home department.
LTF events count towards track completion in the Teaching Development Program.
Beyond Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter: Gender, Language, and Inclusivity in the Latin and Ancient-Greek Classroom
What does gender-inclusive pedagogy look like when we teach languages from millennia ago? How can teachers of Latin and Ancient Greek adapt these highly gendered languages to meet the needs of trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students (and instructors)? In this workshop, we’ll explore gender-inclusive practices in ancient language instruction from a variety of angles, including: guidelines for inclusive English; expansive options for gendered self-reference in Latin and Greek; strategies for initiating critical conversations about gender and language in the elementary classroom.
This event is led by Lead Teaching Fellow Izzy Levy (Classics). It is open to instructors of all languages, but will primarily focus on Latin and Ancient Greek.
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 11, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: 618 Hamilton
Registration: Please RSVP here
Beyond the Reading Response: Innovative Assignments for Religious Studies
This workshop will discuss creative and novel assignment structures meant to either supplement or supplant the humanities hobby horse–the reading response paper. Are there better ways to ensure students are reading and engaging with the material outside of class? Is the reading response even a productive way of measuring that? How can we set our students up to succeed in their independent thinking? What is reasonable to expect from students, and do they want a different kind of assignment?
This event is led by Lead Teaching Fellow Connor Martini (Religion). It is open to all graduate students, regardless of discipline.
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 12, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Department of Religion Seminar Room
Registration: email