Call for Applications: Inclusive Teaching Seminar for Graduate Students
How can instructors create classroom environments that set up all students for success?
How can instructors help their students learn through the diversity of experiences and perspectives they bring to the classroom?
Graduate students are invited to apply for a four-part workshop series that offers an opportunity for them to reflect on their teaching experiences and commit to creating inclusive classroom environments that engage all students. Find more information about the program and a link to the application below.

About the Program
This seminar introduces graduate student instructors to key ideas in the field of inclusive teaching. In a cohort of peers, graduate students will engage in conversations around topics such as learning through diversity, growth mindset, microaggressions and implicit bias, trigger warnings, stereotype threat, and inclusive assessments. Through these conversations, a series of assignments, and peer feedback, participants will leave with concrete strategies for creating inclusive classroom environments that engage all students in the learning process.
Visit the CTL website for more details and the full session descriptions.
What will participants take away from this program?
In this seminar, participants will:
- engage in systematic reflection on inclusive teaching and learning.
- apply concepts and ideas from the literature on inclusive teaching to practice.
- provide and integrate peer feedback into their own inclusive teaching practice.
- develop inclusive teaching strategies and articulate their approach to inclusive teaching.
When and where do participants meet?
This seminar meets four times over the course of the semester in Butler Library 212 on the following dates: January 26, February 9, February 23, and March 2. All meetings will take place from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Lunch will be served.
The seminar is organized into four sessions:
- Principles of Inclusive Teaching
- Engaging Diversity in the Classroom
- Teaching Difficult Texts and Topics
- Inclusive Grading and Assessments
Who should apply?
Graduate students and postdocs…
- who want to reflect on their inclusive teaching experiences and practices.
- who want to engage with scholarship on inclusive teaching and apply it to their practice.
- who are committed to creating inclusive classroom environments.
Any questions?
Email to contact the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Graduate Student Programs and Services team.