This Month at the CTL: September 2019

by | Sep 3, 2019

Note from Executive Director


Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the Fall 2019 semester!

I am excited to share with you some new teaching resources from the CTL. In June 2019 we launched our first-ever CTL MOOC, Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom.

Columbia faculty, staff and students can get extended access to the MOOC (for one year instead of six weeks) and free verified certificates. Please fill out this form to receive your verified certificate access code. We encourage the Columbia teaching community to enroll in the MOOC to further our commitment to creating inclusive and equitable learning environments throughout Columbia and beyond.

The CTL also has full line-up of fall workshops, services, and institutes to support faculty and graduate student teaching needs. 

Best wishes for your upcoming semester! 

Catherine Ross

Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom


Watch the trailer below:


Offerings for Faculty


Request an in-person consultation to get support for your teaching and learning needs throughout the year. Email to set up an appointment with a trained teaching consultant.

Teaching Observations
Faculty, staff, and postdocs can request confidential teaching observations to receive individualized feedback on their teaching. 

CTL workshops offer opportunities for Columbia faculty to explore teaching tools and approaches with the support of CTL staff and colleagues. Workshops are held at Butler Library and CUIMC locations. Visit the CTL website to register for upcoming workshops and events, including:

Offerings for Graduate Students


Request an in-person teaching consultation to receive individualized advice on your teaching, integrating your teaching and research, or developing teaching materials for the job market. You can request a consultation via an online form

Microteaching sessions can help you rehearse teaching practices and get direct feedback and support, whether or not you are currently teaching. You can register for a scheduled session or request one via an online form.

Teaching Observations
Graduate students can request confidential teaching observations to receive individualized feedback on their teaching. 

CTL workshops offer opportunities for Columbia graduate students to explore teaching tools and approaches with the support of CTL staff and colleagues. Workshops are held in Butler Library unless otherwise indicated. Visit the CTL website to register for upcoming workshops and events, including: