This Week for Grad Students: October 22, 2018
Wondering what metacognition is? This year the CTL is offering graduate students resources and workshops to take a deeper dive into metacognition. Come learn how to design your classes to enhance metacognitive practices that boost your students’ learning.
Metacognition: “Thinking about Your Own Thinking”
The CTL offers a series of workshops open to graduate students to delve into the science of metacognition and reflect on how to implement metacognition in the classroom.
If you want to learn more, check our new resource on metacognition.
Advanced Topics in Teaching: Illuminating Learning Processes
In this workshop, we discuss specific approaches –such as process worksheets and assignment wrappers– that you can use to help scaffold your students’ learning processes and help develop important metacognitive abilities while learning discipline-specific skills.
Teachers’ Lounge: Motivation and Agency in the Learning Process
In this Teachers’ Lounge, we will discuss how to motivate students to take ownership of their learning. We will explore strategies to encourage frequent collaboration and reflection in order for students to develop agency as well as cultivate a growth mindset about their own ability to learn.
Metacognition as a Tool for Equity in the Classroom
In this workshop, we learn how to intentionally use metacognitive strategies that help build students’ awareness of themselves as learners. The goal is to equip students with the skills they need to maximize their learning.
Language Lounge: Teaching Students to Know What They Know
In this session, we will discuss tools to build students’ self-awareness of their language abilities and strategies for cultivating student buy-in to reflective processes like these.
Upcoming Events
Advanced Topics in Teaching: Teaching through Discussion
In this workshop, we explore how to teach through discussion by focusing on how to prioritize goals for a discussion, how to make our expectations transparent to students and prepare them for discussion, and how to assess our goals. Register.
Date: Tuesday, November 13
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Location: Butler Library Room 212
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