Events / Addressing Race and Gender Bias in the Classroom: Defining Inclusion

Addressing Race and Gender Bias in the Classroom: Defining Inclusion

November 2, 2016
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Butler Library Room 212

A CTLgrads Learning Community series focused on addressing race and gender bias in the classroom.

This is a divided time in the US, but it doesn’t have to be a divided time in our classrooms. What is an inclusive classroom and how can we create one? In this three-part series, participants will tackle issues related to implicit bias and diversity in the classroom, and come up with strategies to overcome challenges of inclusion. Participants will engage in discussions and activities focused on race and gender inclusion in their own classrooms, develop strategies for creating a better learning environment, and learn to assess and track their own classroom inclusivity.

Safe space, engaging community, and pizza included! You are welcome to register for just this session, or join us for the whole series.
