

EdBlogs make it easy to share course content and create an online community using a blogging format. Blogs use familiar, word-processor-style editing tools for adding and editing text and images, so it’s easy to create, update and revise posts. EdBlogs are set up with a simple template that accommodates most course needs, including blogging, journal writing, or even a simple course web site. Instructors will also be able to choose an alternate template to suit specific course requirements.

Access EdBlogs

Log in with your UNI.
Scroll down to learn more about teaching with EdBlogs and how you can get support from the CTL.

Teaching with EdBlogs

EdBlogs provides a blog for any course offered at Columbia University upon the course instructor’s request. Please complete the request form to get an EdBlog for your course. Here are some examples of how Columbia faculty have used EdBlogs to enhance teaching and learning:

This short video explores what EdBlogs is as well as some reasons to use EdBlogs. Viewers will learn about Columbia use cases and review how to get started.

Get Support

The CTL offers a range of in-person services and online resources for instructors learning to navigate EdBlogs.

In-Person Support

Online Resources

The CTL researches and experiments.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of resources and tools for instructional activities.