Representing Your Teaching Summer Intensives
Running online July 6 – 9, 2020 – register now!
Wondering how to present your teaching on the academic job market? The Center for Teaching and Learning is hosting a four-day series of intensive, day-long workshops entitled Representing Your Teaching Summer Intensives (RYTSI). These workshops will be held online July 6-9, 2020.
RYTSI is composed of four intensive workshops, each of which focuses on representing your teaching in different parts of your academic job application: teaching statements, teaching portfolios, syllabi, and diversity statements. We have designed these intensives to help participants learn about and begin drafting teaching-related documents for the academic job market and to obtain feedback and guidance from peers and the CTL.
In Summer 2020, each intensive will run on Zoom and consist of a morning session, from 10:00am-12:00pm EST, and an afternoon session, from 3:00-4:00pm EST, with self-paced, off-line work time in between. We invite Columbia graduate students to register for one, several, or all of these intensives, based on their interests and needs. Brief descriptions of and registration links for the intensives are below.
On Monday, July 6, we will be working on the teaching statement, a common element of an academic job application that represents in writing your teaching approaches and experiences. Register
On Tuesday, July 7, we will be working on the teaching portfolio, a curated selection of annotated teaching artifacts characterizing your teaching to future employers. Register
On Wednesday, July 8, we will be working on syllabi, a means of communicating your approach to designing courses in your discipline. Register
On Thursday, July 9, we will be working on the diversity statement, an increasingly common element of the academic job application that represents your contributions and commitment to diversity and inclusion in teaching as well as in research. Register
For questions, please contact the CTL Graduate Student Programs and Services staff at