CTL Advisory Board
Soulaymane Kachani, Co-Chair Office of the Provost |
Amanda Irvin, Co-Chair Center for Teaching and Learning |
Carlos Alonso Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
Sarah Cole Humanities Division and English & Comparative Literature |
Valeria Contreras Graduate Student, School of the Arts |
Pat Grieve Latin American and Iberian Cultures |
Julia Hirschberg Computer Science |
Lisa Hollibaugh Columbia College, Dean of Academic Affairs |
Kris Kavanaugh University Libraries |
Clara Lapiner CUIMC |
Monica Lypson VP&S |
Ellen Meier Teachers College |
Janet Metcalfe Psychology |
Dennis Mitchell University Life, Office of the Provost, and Dental Medicine |
Barclay Morrison Biomedical Engineering |
Letty Moss-Salentijn
University Senate and Dental Medicine |
Justin Pearlman
Office of the Provost |
Brent Stockwell Biological Sciences and Chemistry |
Ann Thornton Office of the Provost and University Libraries |
ElĂas Tzoc-Pacheco Undergraduate Student, SEAS |
Miguel Urquiola Social Sciences Division & Economics |
Greg Wawro Political Science |