This Week for Faculty: November Events, Assessment & Grading Resources

by | Nov 1, 2021

Conversation with Jonathan Amiel & Aubrie Swan Sein (CUIMC): Authentic, Equitable Assessment

Have you been listening to the CTL’s Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning podcast? In Season 2, Episode 1, Jonathan Amiel, Senior Associate Dean for Innovation at VP&S, and Aubrie Swan Sein, Director of the Center for Education Research and Evaluation at CUIMC, discuss the changes they have implemented in their curriculum and assessment strategies and the dead ideas they have encountered.

After listening to this 36-minute episode, come join your colleagues to explore these dead ideas further and discuss ways in which we can adopt authentic and equitable assessment methods that support students’ growth in their learning journey.
Register: November 4, 11:00am-12:00pm

Anti-Racist Pedagogy Series

Navigating HOT Moments: Before, During, & After Class
Regardless of course topic or content, HOT—heated, offensive, or tense—moments in the classroom are always a possibility. This session will help instructors identify strategies for engaging with, facilitating, and navigating HOT moments before, during, and after class.
Register: November 9, 2:00-3:00pm

Addressing Challenges to Equitable Assessment
Instructors may face a number of challenges when working to design and implement equitable assessments in their courses. This session will help participants identify several common challenges to equitable assessment, as well as possible strategies to address these challenges as they arise.
Register: November 17, 2:00-3:00pm


Promoting Academic Integrity: By creating a learning environment that stimulates engagement, and designing assessments that are authentic, instructors can minimize incidences of academic dishonesty. 

Designing Assignments for Learning: This resource distills the elements of assignment design that are important to carry forward as we continue to seek better ways of assessing learning and build on our innovative assignment designs.

Incorporating Rubrics Into Your Feedback and Grading Practices: An overview of the benefits of rubrics, includes strategies to help integrate them into teaching practice, and Columbia tools to support rubric design and use. 

Creating Assignments and Grading Online with Gradescope: Gradescope is a tool designed to streamline and standardize the grading of paper-based, digital, and coding assignments.  

Grading at Columbia: Tips and Strategies using CourseWorks (Canvas) and Gradescope: This resource is structured by common grading needs and provides “how to” details using CourseWorks (Canvas) and Gradescope.


Office Hours 
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your questions about teaching with instructional technology answered.  

Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching and learning need by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department. 

Teaching Observations 
Are you looking for confidential feedback on your teaching? Learn more and request a teaching observation for your course.