This Week for Faculty: Supporting Teaching and Learning Through Times of Change

by | Nov 15, 2021

A Conversation with Todd Zipper, President of Wiley Education Services: Study and Adapt – Top 5 Trends Shaping Higher Ed

Today Todd Zipper, President of Wiley Education Services, will join us to discuss five trends in higher education to study and adapt during this pivotal time for universities, including education as a benefit, alternative educational institutions, and the rise of the mega-nonprofit. This event is open to the Columbia community. 

Date & Time: Monday, November 15th; 12:00-1:00 PM
Location: Zoom

Addressing Challenges to Equitable Assessment

Instructors may face a number of challenges when working to design and implement equitable assessments in their courses. This session will help participants identify several common challenges to equitable assessment, as well as possible strategies to address these challenges as they arise.

Register: November 17, 2:00-3:00pm
Location: Zoom


In case you missed it…

Conversation with Columbia Students: Transition to In-Person Learning (October 14)

If there was one thing you want faculty to know about your transition…

Michelle Yao“Ask us how the pandemic situation has been going for us. We’ve jumped right back to in-person classes. The mental and emotional aspects are still there. Acknowledge the challenges. At the end of class, one could say: ‘I know this is a crazy time but please reach out.’ Foster an environment in which students feel comfortable speaking to you.” – Michelle Yao, Columbia College

“Students would love to give feedback. They appreciate when instructors invite feedback, want to do better, and ask us how we are feeling. This feedback may reveal small things, easy fixes that an instructor might not have thought about.” – Yarin Reindorp, General Studies


Interested in the student perspective? Ask a student! Submit your teaching and learning question and a CTL Undergraduate Student Consultant will share their thoughts and experiences.

Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge 

This resource offers strategies for teaching during times of stress and highlights campus support available to help instructors and their students navigate challenges.

Read resource


Video Recording: Return to the Morningside Classroom with Student Well-Being In Mind—A Forum for Faculty and TAs (September 21)

Watch a video recording of this event which covered student health and well-being concerns, recognizing and supporting students in distress, raising awareness of Columbia offerings, connecting students to Counseling and Psychological Services, and self-care for the Columbia teaching community.


Workshops To Go
Did you know the CTL can facilitate a session for your department, program, or school? Explore our Workshops To Go offerings or reach out about a custom session on any teaching and learning topic for you and your colleagues.

Office Hours 
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your questions answered about teaching with instructional technology.  

Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching and learning need by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department. 

Teaching Observations 
Are you looking for confidential feedback on your teaching? Learn more and request a teaching observation for your course.