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Workshops To Go

Workshops To Go is an on-demand offering for departments or programs at Columbia University and its affiliate institutions that wish to host a pedagogical workshop for their faculty. All workshops present evidence-based practices and are grounded in the science of teaching and learning. Workshops To Go engage faculty in discussions about teaching, and participants should expect to actively work through tailored resources, strategies, and practices that can help them address common challenges in their classrooms.

Department chairs and program directors can select a workshop topic from the list below, which are offered in 30, 60, 75, or 90-minute formats depending on the topic. Click on the toggles below to read the workshop descriptions.

Workshops To Go can be facilitated in-person, in a hybrid format*, or fully online.  

* For hybrid delivery, the requestor will need to secure a physical space that can accommodate this modality and ensure that remote participants can engage fully in the workshop.

Searching for a different pedagogical topic, Columbia-supported instructional technology, or session format? Contact us at CTLfaculty@columbia.edu to learn how the CTL can facilitate a conversation about teaching and learning for you and your colleagues.

NEW: For information about our Entering Mentoring Workshops To Go (WTG) Series, please visit our Advancing Mentorship Practices page.

Fill out the form at the link below to request a Workshop To Go. Any questions, or to request a custom workshop, contact CTLfaculty@columbia.edu.

Teaching Approaches and Strategies

Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles to Clinical Education

Note: This workshop is designed for CUIMC faculty teaching students in clinical settings.

Inclusive practices can empower students to engage in deeper, more meaningful learning experiences. However, creating an equitable learning environment can be a challenge in the clinical setting. This session will outline the importance of inclusive teaching in the clinical setting and examine how principles of inclusive teaching can be applied to the clinical education environment.

This session addresses questions about inclusive teaching, such as:

  • How do I apply principles of inclusive teaching in a clinical environment?
  • How do I create a community where all students feel a sense of belonging in the clinic? 

Explore CTL resource: Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Effective Feedback in Clinical Settings

Note: This workshop is designed for CUIMC faculty teaching students in clinical settings. 

Providing students with meaningful feedback is essential for their growth and learning. Students expect to receive feedback, yet it can be challenging for faculty to give feedback in the clinical context while time is limited, interactions are brief, and the focus is on patient care. In this session, clinical faculty will explore elements of effective feedback and work on enhancing their feedback skills through an activity in which they will evaluate and rephrase feedback statements.

This session addresses questions about giving feedback, such as:

  • How do I create a climate of feedback in the clinical setting?
  • How do I identify when effective feedback should be given?
  • How do I evaluate what content should be included in clinical feedback?

Explore CTL resource: Feedback in Clinical Education

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Engaged Lecturing

Designing a lecture that simultaneously engages students and helps them learn important course content requires careful planning. In this session, faculty will draw on three key findings from the science of learning—activation of prior knowledge, retrieval practice, and reflection—that promote student engagement and learning. Faculty will reflect on their own teaching practices and consider ways to incorporate these evidence-based strategies into their class sessions.

This session addresses questions about planning class sessions, such as:

  • Will lecturing help my students learn?
  • What can I do to plan effective class sessions?

Explore CTL resource: Five Tips for Engaged Lecturing

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Engaging Students in Discussions

Well-designed discussions can be dynamic, eye-opening, and generative, providing students with meaningful and engaging learning experiences. However, challenges can arise in the form of unequal participation, unclear learning outcomes, or charged topics that turn into difficult classroom moments. In this workshop, faculty will address these challenges by exploring a four-step process as well as strategies to ensure that students engage in and learn from discussions (in class as well as asynchronously), and leave class with clear takeaways. With intentional planning and facilitation, faculty can maximize student learning from classroom conversations.

This session addresses questions about teaching using discussions, such as:

  • How do I get students to engage with each other in class discussions?
  • How can I keep the conversation going between class sessions?
  • How can I create a space in which my students feel comfortable sharing?

Explore CTL resource: Learning Through Discussion

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Feedback for Learning

From in-class activities and assignments, to peer-reviewed manuscripts, feedback is essential for growth and learning. And yet, if students don’t reflect on or apply notes or comments, it can sometimes feel like feedback doesn’t matter all that much. Giving feedback can feel like an arduous process, and when it goes unused on student assignments, it can leave instructors feeling frustrated. In this session, faculty will explore strategies to make giving feedback easier and more effective.

This session addresses questions about giving feedback, such as:

  • How do I create a culture of feedback? 
  • What kinds of feedback can I give to students?
  • How do I use technology to facilitate the feedback-giving process? 

Explore CTL resource: Feedback for Learning

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Getting Started with Active Learning

Active learning strategies involve students in doing things, and thinking about what they are doing. In this session, faculty will consider ways to move learners from passively receiving information to practicing various levels of higher order thinking skills through active engagement with course content and collaboration with their peers. Faculty will learn about the Encounter-Engage-Reflect framework for building holistic active learning experiences and apply it to their own course contexts.

This session addresses questions about active learning, such as:

  • How do I intentionally select active learning strategies to meet learning objectives?
  • How do I apply the encounter-engage-reflect framework for holistic active learning?

Explore CTL resource: Getting Started with Active Learning

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Navigating HOT Moments: Before, During, and After Class

Regardless of course topic or content,  HOT — heated, offensive, or tense — moments in the classroom are always a possibility. Although never fully avoidable or predictable, there are steps instructors can take to help mitigate the potential for these moments, and strategies to help better equip instructors for navigating HOT moments when they occur. In this session, faculty will identify strategies for engaging with, facilitating, and navigating HOT moments before, during, and after class. 

This session addresses questions about HOT moments, such as:

  • How can I anticipate and prepare for HOT moments before they occur?
  • What are strategies for responding to HOT moments when they happen?
  • How should I follow up on HOT moments after class? 

Explore CTL resource: Navigating Heated, Offensive, and Tense (HOT) Moments in the Classroom

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Teaching Large Courses

Teaching large courses can present unique challenges, including building rapport with and among students, managing large amounts of grading, using TAs effectively, and upholding academic integrity. In this session, faculty will explore these challenges and discuss evidence-based strategies to make large online courses more manageable and rewarding for faculty and students alike.

This session addresses questions about teaching large online courses, such as:

  • How do I engage and build community with students in my large online course?
  • How can I promote academic integrity? 
  • How can I work with my TAs effectively?

Explore CTL resource: Teaching Large Courses Effectively and Efficiently

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Course

Inclusive classroom practices can empower students to create and engage in deeper, more meaningful learning experiences, but establishing an inclusive learning environment can be challenging. In this session, faculty will explore five evidence-based inclusive teaching principles that they can apply to their classroom: foster a climate of belonging, setting explicit expectations, constructing inclusive course content, designing all course elements for accessibility, and reflecting on faculty’s own beliefs about teaching. Faculty will use these principles to reflect on their current teaching practices as well as learn a variety of simple effective inclusive teaching strategies to maximize equity in their course.

This session addresses questions about inclusive teaching, such as:

  • How do I create a community in which all students feel a sense of belonging? 
  • How can I partner with my students to co-create the learning environment? 

Explore CTL resource: Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia

Workshop durations available: 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Teaching with Columbia-supported Tools and Platforms

Engaging Students with Ed Discussion

Ed Discussion is a Columbia-supported online discussion platform that is integrated into CourseWorks. Ed Discussion can be used to support discussion outside of class time or as a backchannel during live in-person classes. Ed Discussion is especially useful for large courses where students are engaged in collaborative problem solving, posting equations and code, and Q&A exchanges. This session introduces faculty to Ed Discussion through a short demonstration after which faculty are encouraged to ask questions and to reflect on how they might integrate Ed Discussion meaningfully into their courses.

This session addresses questions about using Ed Discussion in courses, such as:

  • How can I encourage student-initiated discussion and foster classroom community?
  • How can I organize large numbers of student posts?
  • How can I include images, code, and other types of media in discussion threads?

Explore CTL resource: Enhance your Course Discussion Boards for Learning: Three Strategies Using Ed Discussion

Workshop durations available: 30 minutes only.

Engaging Students with Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an in-class polling and quizzing tool that allows instructors to pose questions to their students and to collect student feedback. Poll Everywhere can be used to determine whether and what students are learning in real time. This session will be a short, interactive demonstration of Poll Everywhere followed by opportunities for faculty to ask questions and to reflect on how to intentionally integrate Poll Everywhere in their courses.

This session addresses questions about using Poll Everywhere in courses, such as:

  • How can I gauge what students are learning during a class session?
  • How can I display and use the results of student polls?
  • How can I use polling technology to boost student participation?

Explore CTL resource: Poll Everywhere: Audience Response Systems

Workshop durations available: 30 minutes only.

Introducing Gradescope: Efficient Grading and Feedback for Science and Engineering

Gradescope is a Columbia-supported assessment platform integrated with CourseWorks that can help faculty manage their grading loads. Gradescope allows instructors to build rubrics for faster and more equitable grading, respond to handwritten student work in an online environment, and provide feedback to students efficiently. This session introduces faculty to Gradescope through a series of demonstrations, including how to use the platform to grade a handwritten assignment, provide feedback to students, and connect their CourseWorks courses and assignments to Gradescope.

This session demonstrates how to use Gradescope to address challenges in grading, such as:

  • How can I efficiently grade and provide feedback to a large number of students?
  • How can I improve grading consistency across multiple graders?
  • How can I streamline offering feedback on handwritten student work?

This session is best suited for Science and Engineering departments, particularly those with courses that use paper-based or programming assignments.

Explore CTL resource: Creating Assignments and Grading Online with Gradescope

Workshop durations available: 75 minutes or 90 minutes.

Introduction to CourseWorks

This session focuses on the basics of Columbia’s learning management system, CourseWorks (Canvas). It introduces faculty and graduate student instructors to CourseWorks and how they can use it to create community, support student engagement, and assess student learning. Faculty and graduate student instructors finish this session with an understanding of the CourseWorks interface and a toolset that will allow them to set up a course with clear expectations for students, create opportunities for a variety of assignment engagements, and nurture an environment that encourages a culture of inclusive communication. This is an introductory session, suited for new faculty or teaching assistants.

This session demonstrates how instructors can leverage CourseWorks for their courses, such as:

  • How can I use CourseWorks to enhance my classroom community?
  • How can I organize my course materials into learning modules to better engage students?
  • How can I set up online assessments for students to complete asynchronously?

Explore CTL resource: Teaching with CourseWorks

Workshop durations available: 75 minutes only.

Asynchronous self-paced offerings are also available: 

Making Your CourseWorks Site More Accessible

This session offers simple ways for faculty and graduate student instructors to improve the accessibility of their CourseWorks sites. It introduces how to use the Ally accessibility checker to improve the accessibility of course materials, and how to make a CourseWorks site more welcoming and easy to navigate for students. The session will include opportunities to ask questions and to reflect on how accessibility practice can fit into an individual’s teaching context.

This session addresses questions about online accessibility, such as:

  • How can I build accessibility into my course site from the beginning?
  • What supports are available to me to create an accessible course site?

Explore CTL resource: Four Ways to Make Your CourseWorks Site More Accessible

Workshop durations available: 30 minutes or 60 minutes.

The CTL is here for faculty.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for faculty in both their work and their professional development.