This Week for Graduate Students: New Resources on Inclusive Teaching Online & Virtual Office Hours
New Resources for Teaching Online
The CTL has developed new resources on inclusive teaching and virtual office hours as part of our Contingency Planning: Teaching Online portal to support instructors who have transitioned to remote teaching.
Inclusive Teaching and Learning Online 
With the rapid shift to online learning, instructors can draw on principles of inclusive teaching to help students feel a sense of belonging, ensure they can access course materials, and support them in achieving learning goals. The current context calls for empathy and resilience on the part of both students and instructors.
The following resource provides strategies for inclusive teaching online and is structured around the five principles of inclusive teaching as outlined in the Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia.
Virtual Office Hours
With remote teaching and learning comes online office hours. Holding online office hours can help extend the online learning environment, contribute to instructor presence, and make you more accessible to your students. It can also build instructor-student rapport and help learners across time zones feel more connected and stay motivated to learn. This resource provides an overview of Zoom and CourseWorks Conferences (BigBlueButton) for online (virtual) office hours.
For further guidance, there are several ways for graduate students to reach out: visit Office Hours via Zoom, request a one-on-one consultation, request a teaching observation, or email us at