This Week for Graduate Students: Teaching as Research Seminar: Applications Open!

by | Jan 2, 2024

The online Teaching as Research Seminar (TaRS) trains participants to assess the impact of teaching interventions in the classroom. Over the course of these four asynchronous modules, participants gain proficiency in the Teaching as Research (TaR) method by defining an original research question, exploring data collection and assessment tools, and drawing on the support of peers and the instructor to draft a complete TaR proposal. The seminar culminates in the presentation of these proposals to the seminar cohort.

CTL will accept applications from January 2 – 16. For more information about this seminar, email us at

TaRS satisfies the seminar requirement on the Advanced Track of the Teaching Development Program.

Teaching Orientation for Graduate Students

CTL offers graduate student instructors orientation resources and sessions to learn about practical, evidence-based strategies that they can implement on the first day of class. These orientations help supplement department-based orientations and trainings. CTL orientations are open to all new teaching assistants, teaching fellows, and graduate students in an instructor role.

In Spring 2024 CTL is offering orientation materials online, available to graduate students anytime, and running a live, in-person debrief session.

CIRTL Spring Workshops

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) provides resources, trainings, and networking opportunities for future faculty in STEM and other fields. Graduate students and postdocs are invited to participate in its national online cross-network opportunities to develop their teaching. Most Spring 2024 registration opens on Monday, January 8 and fills up quickly!

Highlighted events include:

Many CIRTL offerings, including these highlighted sessions, satisfy the pedagogy workshop requirements of the Teaching Development Program