This Month at the CTL: November 2018
Events and Announcements
Inclusive Teaching Intensive for Faculty: Course Design to Include All Students
Looking to take your inclusive teaching practice to the next level? This three-hour intensive workshop will help you rethink your course design from the framework of equity and inclusion.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 21, 2018.
Featured Teaching Resource: Blended Learning Essentials
The CTL has launched a new self-paced, online course on blended learning featuring Columbia University faculty. The course is free and open to all Columbia instructors.
This course provides an overview of blended learning and guides instructors through the design process for a lesson or unit of study. The course features videos of Columbia University faculty and former recipients of the Provost’s Hybrid Learning Course Redesign and Delivery grants, who share their blended teaching and learning experiences.
Instructors will have access to the course packet which includes worksheets and checklists to draft and document their blended learning design and implementation plans.
Faculty Spotlight: Eleanor Sterling
“We introduced students to habits of systems thinking as well as systems thinking methods and tools, starting with relatively easy techniques and then moving on to more complex methods. Both in class and for their assignments, students used the systems thinking tools and skills they had been building to tackle societal-scale questions about food systems.”
In our latest Faculty Spotlight story, Sharon Akabas, Associate Professor in Pediatrics and The Institute of Human Nutrition at CUIMC, and Eleanor Sterling, Adjunct Professor, share how they redesigned their Food, Ecology, and Globalization course by shifting away from lecture-based class sessions to a “flipped” structure that incorporated group and collaborative hands-on learning exercises.
Student Spotlight: Franziska Landes
“As researchers, we constantly think about what make an experiment successful, but we often don’t apply this same rigor or intentionality to our teaching. It has been helpful to create these connections between research and teaching and think about how I can monitor my students’ learning to see whether my teaching is effective.”
In this Spotlight story, Franzisca Landes, Ph.D. candidate in Earth and Environmental Science, shares how co-facilitating workshops and engaging with the CTL through diverse fellowships have strengthened her own teaching practice, and offers teaching tips that new graduate student instructors might consider incorporating into their own practice.
Offerings for Faculty
Request an in-person consultation to get support for your teaching and learning needs throughout the year. Email to set up an appointment with a trained teaching consultant.
Teaching Observations
Faculty, staff, and postdocs can request confidential teaching observations to receive individualized feedback on their teaching.
CTL workshops offer opportunities for Columbia faculty to explore teaching tools and approaches with the support of CTL staff and colleagues. Workshops are held at Butler Library and CUIMC locations. Visit the CTL website to register for upcoming workshops and events, including:
Offerings for Graduate Students
Request an in-person teaching consultation to receive individualized advice on your teaching, integrating your teaching and research, or developing teaching materials for the job market. You can request a consultation via an online form.
Teaching Development Program
Find out about the CTL new program for documenting and reflecting on your teaching development across the arch of your graduate school career. Learn more.
Teaching Observations
Graduate students can request confidential teaching observations to receive individualized feedback on their teaching.
CTL workshops offer opportunities for Columbia graduate students to explore teaching tools and approaches with the support of CTL staff and colleagues. Workshops are held in Butler Library unless otherwise indicated. Visit the CTL website to register for upcoming workshops and events, including: