Faculty Spotlights
Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Cummings on Using Case Studies and Discussion to Help Students Implement Technical Concepts in Real-World Settings
Rachel Cummings, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, was awarded an Office of the Provost’s Innovative Course Design grant for her project “Introducing Case-Based Teaching into Interdisciplinary Data Privacy Education.”
Faculty Spotlight: Taylor Sewell, Carri Chan, and Peter Tollman on Redesigning Their Interdisciplinary Course
Professors Sewell, Chan, and Tollman were awarded an Office of the Provost Interdisciplinary Teaching Award grant to help redesign elements of their unique project-based course Healthcare Management, Design, and Strategy (HMDS).
Faculty Spotlight: Danielle Struble-Fitzsimmons on Incorporating Simulation and Case Studies in Physical Therapy to Improve Inclusivity and Student Learning
Danielle Struble-Fitzsimmons, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) and Director of Clinical Education, was awarded an Office of the Provost’s Innovative Course Design grant for her project “Incorporating Simulation and Case-Based Learning Strategies to Improve DPT Integumentary Education.” In this spotlight, Dr. Struble-Fitzsimmons describes her experience.
Faculty Spotlight: Ashley Graham-Perel on the Colloquium of Nursing History and Anti-Racism Affirmation
Ashley Graham-Perel, Interim Director of Cultural Affairs and Assistant Professor of Nursing in the Masters Direct Entry (MDE) nursing program at CUIMC, was the recipient of a 2022-23 Provost Teaching and Learning Grant in Innovative Course Module Design. Dr. Graham-Perel worked with the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Teaching Assistants Lauren DeVaughn and Hodaya Lightstone, to develop the “Colloquium for Nursing History and Anti-Racist Affirmation,” a two-part lecture series that was embedded in the Fall 2022 N5800 Nursing Topics course required of all 225 MDE students.
Faculty Spotlight: Natalie Voigt on Using Case-Based Learning to Increase Student Critical Thinking in Nursing Education
Natalie Voigt is an Assistant Professor of Nursing in the Masters Direct Entry Nursing program at CUIMC. The MDE program is a rigorous 15 month accelerated graduate nursing program that recruits students from various undergraduate and professional backgrounds. Dr. Voigt was awarded an Office of the Provost Innovative Course Module Design Grant for her course “The Science of Nursing Practice with Adults II,” which is one of two medical surgical nursing courses offered in the program. Below, Dr. Voigt discusses the innovations she made with the support of the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Faculty Spotlight: Lila Davachi on Redesigning the Psychology Thesis Research Curriculum to Promote Inclusion
In Spring 2021, Lila Davachi, along with Nim Tottenham, Professor of Psychology, and Caroline Marvin, Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology, was awarded an Office of the Provost Large-Scale Grant to redesign and reimagine the thesis research curriculum in the department of Psychology. Dr. Davachi worked with PhD students Ana DiGiovanni and Anna Vannuci on the project, with support from the Center for Teaching and Learning. Below, Dr. Davachi and Ana DiGiovanni share their experience.
The CTL is here for faculty.
The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for faculty in both their work and their professional development.