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CUIMC Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning

The 2025 CUIMC Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning is a two-day in-person institute devoted to exploring effective teaching and learning strategies in health sciences education for online and in-person teaching. The institute is open to all CUIMC faculty.

The program will consist of asynchronous preparatory work and a mixture of large and small in-person group sessions. In-person sessions will take place on Wednesday, July 16th & Thursday, July 17th, 8:30am – 4:30pm, in Butler Library. 

Join Us!

Registration for the the 2025 Summer Institute will open later this spring. Please come back to this page and/or signup for the CTL newsletter to know when the registration opens!


This event is open to all CUIMC faculty, with priority given to those who have recently taken on a new teaching role.  Requirements include:

  • Must be a Columbia University Irving Medical Center faculty member.
  • Support from a department chair, division chief, or dean, is strongly encouraged.​


Program Description

The CUIMC Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning is a two day in-person institute devoted to exploring effective teaching and learning strategies in health sciences education. While introducing the Understanding by Design framework, the institute aims to provide faculty with a practical approach for (re)designing courses and course units. Since its inception in 2007, the CUIMC Summer Institute has grown to become one of CUIMC’s highly-anticipated professional development events. Our facilitators are experienced CUIMC faculty and faculty developers from the Medical Center.

The CUIMC Summer Institute is designed for faculty to (further) develop their skills as educators, learn about interactive teaching techniques, and collaborate with other faculty across the campus.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Institute faculty participants will be able to:

  • Apply Backward Design to their own teaching context
  • Describe teaching principles applicable to different teaching contexts
  • Apply principles towards developing an anti-racist and inclusive learning environment



The Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning is facilitated by members of CUIMC’s teaching community and is sponsored by; Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning; Mailman School of Public Health Teaching Academy; the Office of Academic Affairs at the College of Physicians and Surgeons; and the Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators.


The CTL is here for faculty.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for faculty in both their work and their professional development.