Spring 2016 Hybrid Learning Awardees
In Spring 2016, eighteen Columbia faculty were awarded grants to support the redesign, delivery, and evaluation of their courses during the 2016-2017 academic year.
Below are the faculty awardees organized chronologically by what semester their projects will be actualized:
Fall 2016
Peter Allen
Professor of Computer Science
Hands-On Learning: A ‘Flipped’ Laboratory for An Introductory Robotics Course
Course | Computational Aspects of Robotics
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Allen redesigned his course to introduce activities based on an assembled robot mobile platform called GoPiGO that helps students learn key technical concepts of robotic navigation, vision, sensing, and manipulation.
Jonathan Barasch
Professor of Medicine and Pathology
Simulation for Active Learning in Preclinical Medical Education
Course | Molecular Mechanisms
Audience | Graduate Students
Barasch redesigned his course to introduce videos and extensive problem sets, discussion tools for facilitating Q&A, and novel computer-based simulations of biochemical pathways.
Mary Marshall Clark
Senior Research Scientist, INCITE
Transforming Oral History Through Teaching Visual Literacy.
Course | Oral History Method and Theory
Audience | Graduate Students
Clark redesigned her course to include new media learning modules for video capture, analysis, and interpretation, and a public-facing website for showcasing student work.
Elisabeth Counselman Carpenter
Lecturer in Social Work
Proposed Hybrid Experiential Model of Advanced Social Work Practice with Children and Families.
Course | Advanced Clinical Practice with Children and Families
Audience | Graduate Students
Yaniv Erlich
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Teaching Computational Genomics Using Hands-On Mobile DNA Sequencers.
Course | Ubiquitous Genomics
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Deepthiman Gowda
Associate Professor of Medicine
Making Physical Exam Education Stick with Applied Clinical Thinking Modules (ACTs): Clinical Skills Training Using Case-Based eLearning
Course | Foundations of Clinical Medicine Tutorials
Audience | Graduate Students
Kevin Griffin
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Teaching Forest Ecology On An Urban Campus: Merging Classroom and Field Pedagogies
Course | Forest Ecology
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Ioannis Kougioumtzoglou
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
A Flipped Classroom Approach to Mechanics and Uncertainty and Risk in Civil Infrastructure Systems by Utilizing a Web-Based Interactive Tool
Course | Mechanics/Uncertainty and Risk in Civil Infrastructure Systems
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Kyle Mandli
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Incorporating Active Learning and Group Coding Projects for Computational Courses in Applied Mathematics
Course | Introduction to Numerical Methods
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Lance Weiler
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Film
Digital Storytelling: Building Storyworlds
Course | New Media Producing
Audience | Graduate Students
Spring 2017
Federica Franze
Lecturer in Italian
Collaborating Overseas. Columbia Students and Italian Pre-Service Teachers: A New Framework for Online Teaching and Learning
Course | Advanced Conversation II
Audience | Undergraduate Students
Thomas Groll
Lecturer in International and Public Affairs
Adaptive e-Learning in Economics
Course | Macroeconomics for International and Public Affairs
Audience | Graduate Students
Henry Hess
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Redesigning BMEN E4580: Fundamentals of Nanobioscience and Nanobiotechnology
Course | Fundamentals of Nanobioscience and Nanobiotechnology
Audience | Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Patricia Lindemann
Lecturer in Psychology
Applying Concepts and Improving Critical Thinking: A Hybrid Redesign for Experimental Psychology: Human Behavior
Course | Experimental Psychology: Human Behavior
Audience | Undergraduate Students
Reyes Llopis-Garcia
Lecturer in Spanish
A Flipped Approach to the Grammatical Curriculum of the Spanish Language Program: The Case of the Intermediate II Level
Course | Intermediate Spanish
Audience | Undergraduate Students
Caroline Marvin
Director of Instruction and Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
Enhancing Core Knowledge and Promoting Scientific Thinking Skills: A Hybrid Redesign of Mind, Brain, and Behavior
Course | Mind, Brain, and Behavior
Audience | Undergraduate Students
Pamela Smith
Seth Low Professor of History
Graduate Digital Humanities Course: “What is a Book in the 21st Century?”
Course | What is a Book in the 21st Century? Working with Historical Texts in a Digital Environment
Audience | Graduate Students
Susan Witte
Associate Professor of Social Work
GSocial Support in Health and Mental Health: Strengthening Social Networks for Relationship-Building and Healing
Course | Social Support in Health and Mental Health
Audience | Graduate Students