Teaching Development Program Sprint
Complete the Foundational Track in less than a week!
This unique offering from CTL provides you with all programming needed to complete the Foundational Track of the Teaching Development Program in four action-packed days. Completion of the Foundational Track of the TDP earns notation on Columbia University transcripts and a letter from CTL certifying sustained teaching development in graduate school.
The sprint includes access to all required workshops, time to complete preparatory and reflective activities, collegial engagement with other graduate students in the TDP, and lunch each day. In 2024 it will will run May 28 – 31 on Columbia’s Morningside campus. Program details are below on this page.
Find out more about the Teaching Development Program

How to apply
The 2024 Sprint ran May 28 – 31, and the next Sprint will run in early summer 2025 after an application period in April. Please visit the TDP program website or contact CTLgrads@columbia.edu with any questions.
This sprint is ideal for Columbia doctoral and MFA students who…
- Are new to the TDP, or have signed up for the TDP but have yet to make progress towards completing requirements
- Wish to secure transcript credit for structured teaching preparation in graduate school
- Wish to spend one week in the summer focusing on teaching development in preparation for instructional assignments or CTL Fellowships
- Are inspired by working alongside peers who are similarly completing a defined and significant goal
The TDP Sprint will run in-person on the Morningside Campus from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm on Tuesday May 28, Wednesday May 29, Thursday May 30, and Friday May 31. Coffee, tea, and lunch will be provided to participants each day.
Program Description
The Teaching Development Program Sprint is designed to support completion of the Foundational Track of the TDP, and is especially tailored to students who are new to the TDP or who have signed up but have not, for various scheduling reasons, been able to make much progress during the academic year.
During four days in early summer, when time and attention constraints of the academic year can abate, you will be given the opportunity and space to complete all required components of the Foundational Track: pedagogical workshops, application and practice activity, and posted reflections. Completing the Foundational Track earns you notation on your Columbia University transcript, as well as a letter from CTL certifying your ability to:
- Describe and implement pedagogical practices that draw on evidence-based educational research
- Develop learning goals and aligned assessment strategies that are clear and measurable
- Receive and apply peer-to-peer feedback on teaching practice
- Articulate and reflect on your own student-centered approach to teaching
As an alternative, after completing Foundational Track requirements you may opt to shift onto the Advanced Track of the TDP, which features support for a digital teaching portfolio. Completing the sprint puts you well on the way towards completing TDP Advanced Track requirements within a year before graduating.
In addition to program offerings and the space and time to complete all Foundational Track activities, the TDP Sprint is a unique chance to engage in a community exploring pedagogical methods and values at Columbia. Participants will be developing their teaching and earning credit for doing so alongside peers in various disciplines who are similarly focused on inclusive teaching practices and organized, evidence-based approaches to instruction. Activities during the day include a blend of required Essentials of Teaching and Learning workshops, several options for completing additional pedagogy workshops, and supportive practice teaching sessions. Lunches and informal time to prepare, debrief, post reflections, and decompress are included in the schedule.
The TDP Sprint facilitates completion of all requirements of the TDP Foundational Track:
- The Essentials of Teaching and Learning workshop series
- Three additional workshops satisfying Foundational Track requirements
- A practice teaching (microteaching) session satisfying the Foundational Track application and practice requirement
- Time to draft and post all TDP reflections and assignments
On the final afternoon of the sprint, participants will also be introduced to “next steps” they are prepared for, should they be interested: the option of shifting onto the TDP Advanced Track (with its full support for a digital teaching portfolio), and/or participating in CTL Fellowships that can help them leverage and apply knowledge they have gained during the sprint.
Email CTLgrads@columbia.edu with any questions about the TDP Sprint.