
The six themes below emerged from the faculty narratives collected for this guide. Learn more by clicking on each theme and discover tips and resources to get started. 

Equity and Inclusion

Before the pandemic, and especially throughout, instructors across higher education fostered learning environments that were equitable and inclusive for all learners.

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During the pandemic, Columbia faculty developed new partnerships with their students, course assistants, teaching assistants, colleagues, and other collaborators, including those beyond campus, in order to support learning.

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Pivoting to remote teaching, hybrid, online, and back to in-person teaching requires rethinking course design in relation to the modality in which teaching and learning take place.

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Active Learning

The cognitive load of learning during a pandemic through transitions, technology overload, and distractions, required refocusing attention on learning and finding creative ways to engage students.

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Collaborative Learning

To create community and a sense of belonging during the pandemic, when we were alone but together and/or socially distanced, many faculty incorporated opportunities for students to connect and collaborate.

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Course Materials and Assignments [Re]Design

Columbia faculty responded to the new constraints and/or affordances of remote teaching by redesigning assignments and course materials in creative ways.

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