This Week for Faculty: Wrap up the fall semester with support from the CTL

by | Nov 28, 2023

Seek out the CTL for assistance with your end-of-semester assessment and grading needs!

On-Demand Resources
Explore our resources on assessing student learning that you can access from anywhere and at any time. Whether you are grading with CourseWorks (Canvas) or Gradescope, looking to develop a rubric to ensure consistent and equitable grading practices, or wondering how to promote academic integrity, we have a resource for you.

Office Hours 
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your assessment and grading with instructional technology questions answered.

Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss assessment and rubric design, equitable grading practices, or other teaching and learning needs by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department.

Find community with colleagues while teaching during times of stress

Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge: Conversations for Faculty

  • Wednesday, November 29, 1:00pm-2:00pm, in-person: CUIMC Armory – Register
  • Tuesday, December 5, 12:00pm-1:00pm, online – Register

The CTL invites you to join colleagues from across the teaching community to discuss the ways we support our students and ourselves while teaching during times of stress. This informal space is for you to share your thoughts, experiences and find community with peers. The CTL will facilitate the conversation and share resources.

Unable to join us for these conversations? Please schedule a consultation and explore our related on-demand resource: Teaching During Times of Stress and Challenge.

Bring this conversation to your school or department as part of CTL To Go! Contact us at

Upcoming co-sponsored workshop hosted by the Department of Statistics

Transforming Institutional Practices through Equitable and Inclusive Pedagogical Practices for Broadening Participation 
Thursday, November 30; 12:00 – 2:00pm, 309 Uris Hall | Register

Hosted by the Department of Statistics, Columbia University. Co-sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning; Department of Mathematics, Columbia University; Department of Mathematics, Barnard College; Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University.

In this workshop led by Padmanabhan Seshaiyer from George Mason University, participants will engage in learning about integrating equitable and inclusive pedagogy to enhance their own instructional practices for broadening participation in research, education and outreach. Lunch will be provided.