This Week for Faculty: From Online to Face-to-Face—Keeping What Works

by | Sep 7, 2021

NEW CTL Resources

From Online to Face-to-Face – Keeping What Works: As instructors and students reflect on their pandemic teaching and learning experiences, many are recognizing benefits and positive changes remote teaching technologies brought to the classroom. New ways to hold spontaneous discussions, post questions, poll students, and facilitate group work have emerged. This resource provides strategies for translating online teaching practices that promote student engagement into the face-to-face classroom.

Enhance Your Course Discussion Boards for Learning: Three Strategies Using Ed DiscussionDiscussion boards provide instructors and students with opportunities to interact asynchronously in an online space. Depending on the course context and learning objectives, these interactions can range from question-and-answer to in-depth discussions among students. This resource provides three learner-centered strategies using Ed Discussion to enhance the ways students make use of the discussion board to learn in your course.

Explore additional asynchronous resources on the Teaching in All Modalities webpage.

We Want to Hear From You! 

Survey on Returning to In-Person Teaching

As you reflect back on your experiences with remote teaching, what worked well that you will be carrying forward into your in-person classroom? We’re curious to hear what practices you found to be effective in promoting student engagement and learning through pandemic teaching. Share the strategies you will be bringing into your Fall 2021 classroom through the survey below, and we’ll share some of them in an upcoming newsletter.

Workshops This Week to Prepare for In-Person Teaching:

  • Transition to In-Person TeachingSeptember 8, 11:00-12:00pm
  • Teaching in the Morningside eClassroomSeptember 8, 1:00-2:30pm
  • Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching with All Learners in Mind. September 9, 12:00-1:30pm

Check out our Fall 2021 Offerings for additional synchronous events, services, and resources.

Schedule a consultation! The CTL is available to assist you as you get ready for Fall 2021! Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss your in-person teaching plans by emailing, or join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your teaching with instructional technology questions answered.