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Learning Communities and Lounges for Graduate Students

Are you interested in informal conversations with other graduate students about special topics in pedagogy or actual research in teaching and learning? CTL runs series whose topics change from year to year, led by CTL staff and Senior Lead Teaching Fellows. In all of these programs, community-formation and the sharing of insight across disciplines are top priorities.

On this page:

Upcoming Events

Visit the CTL Events Calendar to browse upcoming events for graduate students.

CTLgrads Learning Communities

CTLgrads Learning Communities are peer-led, multi-session, interdisciplinary conversations for graduate students about particularly timely topics in teaching and learning. By participating in these discussions of the teaching literature with other graduate student instructors, participants develop new frameworks to innovate their teaching. Learning Communities are designed and co-facilitated by CTL Senior Lead Teaching Fellows.

CTLgrads Journal Club

Are you interested in learning about educational research? Join us in the CTLgrads Journal Club! This informal, peer-led discussion community is an opportunity to engage contemporary research on teaching and learning and to discuss articles and resources with graduate students and postdocs from across the CIRTL Network. CTLGrads Journal Club sessions are facilitated by CIRTL Fellows.

Teachers' Lounge

Teachers’ Lounges are series of informal discussions with CTL staff and other graduate students about teaching practices and the culture of learning at Columbia. Each semester, Lounges explore a theme or aspect of teaching. Conversations introduce graduate students to related educational models, research, and theory, and invite dialogue about their pertinence to day-to-day teaching. 

The CTL is here for graduate students.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for graduate students in both their current and future teaching responsibilities.