Senior Lead Teaching Fellowship

Senior Lead Teaching Fellows (SLTFs) are returning LTFs who serve as mentors to assigned cohorts of incoming Lead Teaching Fellows, help CTL with program strategy and administration, and run interdisciplinary CTLgrads Learning Communities. In the 2022-23 academic year, eight SLTFs mentored an LTF cohort of 45. See the 2022-23 LTF directory for details.

Eligibility and Support

SLTFs earn stipends of $3000 over the academic year, awarded in two installments. To be eligible for the position of Senior Lead Teaching Fellows (SLTF), applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Successful and timely completion of all work in the Lead Teaching Fellow program
  • General availability for meetings during the 2023-24 academic year
  • In seventh or earlier year during 2023-24 and in good academic standing in a Columbia University doctoral program

Apply to be a 2023-24 SLTF

CTL is accepting applications for 2024-25 Senior Lead Teaching Fellowships through Friday, May 17, 2024. Please contact us at with any questions.

SLTF Activities

SLTFs serve as mentors to LTFs during the year, oversee LTF deliverables, co-lead CTL-designed workshops, and co-facilitate learning communities. SLTFs are expected to devote approximately 80 hours over the academic year to the program. Specific STLF activities and deliverables consist of the following:

Lead Teaching Fellows mentorship and supervision (50 hours across the academic year)

  • Planning meetings with CTL Assistant Directors
  • LTF meeting facilitation
  • Mentoring LTFs during semester
  • Overseeing LTF deliverables
  • Coordinating LTF workshop visits

Co-facilitation of a Learning Community (one semester, 20 hours)

  • Collaboration with another SLTF on the design and preparation for a CTLgrads learning community. Learning communities are organized around special topics in education and involve informal discussion of research or other related materials
  • Meeting with CTL Assistant Directors for support and feedback at least twice in planning the LC
  • Facilitation of learning community meetings (2-3 meetings in either the fall or spring term)
  • Documenting and co-authoring report about the learning community

Supporting CTL programs for graduate students (5 hours across the academic year)

  • Assisting with the development or facilitation of TA orientation sessions, CTL events or workshops, or Teaching Development Program activities during the academic year. Assignments will be coordinated with individual SLTF schedules

End of year reflective report (5 hours)

  • Summative reflection on STLF activities, written at the end of the academic year and posted onto the LTF program website

The CTL is here for graduate students.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for graduate students in both their current and future teaching responsibilities.