Do-It-Yourself Recording Booths


The CTL DIY Recording Booths are available for instructors who wish to create recordings for their courses using equipment that is a step up from typical laptop options. The booths are quiet and private spaces outfitted with cameras, lighting, microphones, backdrops, and necessary software.

Morningside Campus Recording Booth

CUIMC Recording Booth

What types of recordings are possible?

The DIY Recording Booths are optimized for talking-head style lectures, slide and screen capture, and audio recordings.


Where are the CTL’s DIY Recording Booths?

Our Morningside Campus booth is located in 204 Butler Library and our CUIMC booth is located in the CTL Medical Campus office at the 168th Street Armory.


Who can use the Recording Booths?

The recording booths are available to Columbia instructors who are creating content for their Columbia courses.


How do I reserve time to use one of the Recording Booths?

To reserve time for recording, please fill out the form linked here. 

Reservations should be requested at least a week in advance of recording, and each booth can be reserved for up to two hours.


How should I prepare for a recording session?

To make the best use of the booths please consider the following preparations:

  • Have ready the final versions of your script.
  • Have ready your slide presentation and how you will access it. 
  • Practice delivering your presentation ahead of your scheduled recording time.


What are my options to save my recordings?

  • Recordings can be saved to cloud services such as your Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox. 
  • Recordings can also be saved to a portable media device, such as an external hard drive or thumb drive.


Once I’ve completed my recording how can I make it available and accessible to students?

  • Panopto is Columbia’s video recording, editing, and streaming solution that integrates with CourseWorks. 
  • Be sure to consider accessibility before using media in your course. Captions, transcripts, and other considerations like video length and naming convention make learning materials accessible to all of your students. To learn more visit the CTL’s accessibility resource page. 

If you’d like to learn more about preparing your course content for studio recording please contact

The CTL researches and experiments.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of resources and tools for instructional activities.