This Week for Faculty: Assessment and Grading Online: Resources

by | Apr 20, 2020

Assessment & Grading Online: On-Demand Resources

CourseWorks Gradebook: Screencast

As of the Spring 2020 semester, the CourseWorks Gradebook has received a significant update, with a new look and modified functionality. This new Gradebook offers an enhanced way of entering grades and tracking students and their progress in CourseWorks.

The CTL has developed a screencast providing a brief overview of the new Gradebook and the most important changes. This screencast covers: entering grades, making grades visible to students, and submitting grades to Student Services Online (SSOL). We’ve also curated a list of resources that can help further support you in using the Gradebook.

Self-Paced Course: Assessment and Grading in CourseWorks

This self-paced course provides an advanced take on the assessment and grading tools in CourseWorks, which are introduced in Introduction to CourseWorks (Canvas) Online. Throughout the course, you will learn the what, why, and how of effective assessment and grading practices to support teaching and learning. You will be presented with learner-centered, inclusive, and research-based ways to use the tools within CourseWorks to create, organize, and grade various types of assessments of student learning.

Create Online Exams

Implementing online exams creates a new set of considerations for instructors. You may need to change methods and content to fit an online context, consider how to administer exams fairly for every student, and maintain academic integrity. CourseWorks offers a variety of tools, options, and settings that can help you implement exams efficiently and fairly and make the exam experience positive for you and your students.

The CTL is Here to Help!

CTL staff are holding daily virtual Office Hours Monday through Friday to help faculty with questions related to teaching remotely, as well as any other teaching-related inquiries. 

You can also arrange a one-on-one consultation by phone or via Zoom for support on everything from facilitating classes with Zoom and Panopto, to creating exams and assessments with CourseWorks, to fostering an engaging and inclusive online learning environment for all your students. Please email to set up a time to meet with one of our consultants.