This Week for Faculty: Returning to the Classroom

by | Jul 19, 2021

Getting ready for the Fall 2021 semester? We’ve got you covered with resources, workshops, and services!



Transition to in-person teaching

Asynchronous resources:
Transition to In-Person Teaching: In preparation for the transition to in-person teaching, this resource encourages you to reflect back on your pandemic teaching experiences and identify what you plan to carry forward. 

Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces: Flexible learning spaces—spaces that allow for a range of teaching methods and classroom configurations—encourage adaptable pedagogies and approaches to teaching and learning. While these spaces may vary in nature, this resource offers some best practices that can be applied regardless of space.

Synchronous sessions:
Transition to In-Person Teaching: August 25, 12-1pm; August 30, 10-11am

Hybrid/HyFlex teaching

Asynchronous resource:
Five Tips for Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching with All Learners in MindFive tips for instructors who will be teaching hybrid/HyFlex courses where the majority of students will be participating in face-to-face (synchronous) class sessions while a few students will be joining remotely.

Synchronous sessions:
Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching with All Learners in Mind: August 23 and August 31, 10-11:30am

Enhancing courses with instructional technology

Teaching with CourseWorks
Asynchronous resources 
Teaching with CourseWorks: How to set up discussions, take attendance, create and grade assignments, and create online exams and quizzes using CourseWorks. 

Introduction to CourseWorks Online: This self-paced course provides tips and examples that highlight the use of CourseWorks tools as applicable to various teaching and learning contexts. 

Synchronous sessions:
Teaching with CourseWorks: August 24, 10-11:30am; August 27August 30, and September 2, 1-2:30pm

Assessment and Grading with Columbia Tools
Asynchronous resources :
Creating Assignments and Grading Online with Gradescope: Guides instructors through creating assignments and grading online with Gradescope, a tool designed to streamline and standardize the grading of paper-based, digital, and coding assignments.

Grading in Online Courses at Columbia: Tips and Strategies: This resource is structured by common grading needs and provides “how to” details using CourseWorks and Gradescope.

Assessment and Grading in CourseWorks: This self-paced course provides instructors with an in-depth understanding of the assessment and grading features in CourseWorks. 

Synchronous sessions:
Assessment and Grading with Columbia Tools: August 27 and September 1, 10-11:30am

“… blended course design allows for enhanced versions of not only scaffolding, accessibility, and engagement but also playfulness, creativity, and care. These elements of teaching aren’t antithetical to academic rigor but rather generative of it because they encourage the development of a willingness to take intellectual risks and curiosity, the hallmarks of strong critical thinking.” – Dr. Denise Cruz, Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature

Watch Dr. Cruz talk about her teaching at the 2021 Celebration of Teaching and Learning.

The CTL can help!

Additional resources are available on the CTL’s Hybrid/HyFlex and Online Teaching page, and synchronous events on the CTL Events calendar

Join us for office hours or schedule a consultation to talk about your courses, your syllabi, your teaching, or any other teaching and learning need!