Register for Teaching Orientation for Grad Students!

by | Aug 21, 2023

CTL offers graduate student instructors orientations to learn about practical, evidence-based strategies that they can implement on the first day of class. These orientations help supplement department-based orientations and trainings. CTL orientations are open to all new teaching assistants, teaching fellows, and graduate students in an instructor role.

On-demand materials

In Fall 2023, CTL is offering orientation materials as five online orientation modules, available anytime to graduate students. These modules help you plan for your teaching assignment, provide you with information about support resources, and offer models for getting off to an engaging, inclusive start with students. 

Live debrief session

CTL is also running a live debrief session for participants to discuss highlights of these modules, get individual feedback on policy sheets or first day of class plans, and engage in a general Q&A with CTL staff. Any current graduate student is welcome to attend.

Register for the Teaching Development Program!

Are you a doctoral student looking for a way to document and showcase your teaching development? CTL’s Teaching Development Program (TDP) allows Columbia doctoral students to cultivate, document, and articulate their teaching development across the arc of their graduate school career – and get credit on their transcripts for doing so.

Fall 2023 info sessions
Join us for overviews of the TDP program, and get your questions answered! Students currently in the TDP program as well as those thinking about jumping in are invited to join us.

TDP overview, Foundational Track questions 
Friday, September 8, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 212 Butler 

TDP Advanced Track and portfolio questions
Friday, October 6, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 212 Butler

Join the CTL’s Graduate Student Advisory Committee: Apply by September 1 

The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce the formation of a new Graduate Student Advisory Committee, set to launch in Fall 2023. We invite graduate students across the Columbia campus to submit applications to join this committee.

Guided by CTL staff, this committee will have two broad purposes: to engage a range of diverse student communities across the Columbia campus and, in so doing, to obtain community-centered input and advice on graduate student teaching support needs, CTL offerings, and effective modes of outreach.

Applications for a one year (renewable) appointment to the committee are now being accepted and are due by September 1, 2023. Please contact the CTL with any questions (

GSAS Fellowships in Academic Administration

The GSAS Fellowships in Academic Administration (FAA) program offers advanced doctoral students in Arts and Sciences departments the opportunity to gain experience in administrative offices across Columbia’s campuses. This program enhances graduate student professional development by supplementing the training GSAS students receive in research and teaching with an introduction to the day-to-day operations of the University. The experience allows students to cultivate a stronger professional profile and develop administrative skills in preparation for any future career. Applications are due Thursday, August 31, 11:59pm EDT.