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CTL Graduate Student Advisory Committee

The Center for Teaching and Learning launched the Graduate Student Advisory Committee in Fall 2023. Guided by CTL staff, this committee has two broad purposes: to engage a range of diverse student communities across the Columbia campus and, in so doing, to obtain community-centered input and advice on graduate student teaching support needs, CTL offerings, and effective modes of outreach. 

We encourage current graduate students who are committed to drawing on diverse perspectives, experiences, and communities across the Columbia campus to apply. Applicants do not need to have been a regular attendee of CTL programs to qualify for this role. Committee activity details and recent accomplishments are at the bottom of this page.

For more information about Committee activities, including specific initiatives from previous years, scroll to the bottom of this page.

How to join

Applications for the 2024-25 Committee were accepted in early Fall 2024. To signal interest in joining the Committee in future years, or to ask any questions about this initiative, contact CTLgrads@columbia.edu.

2024-25 Advisory Committee members

2024-25 Co-Chairs

Caitlin DeClercq

Center for Teaching and Learning

Nathanie Yaskey

School of the Arts

2024-25 Committee Members

Anirbaan Banerjee

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Nicolay Duque-Robayo

Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Kelsey Reeder

School of Social Work

Sara Samuel

Mailman School of Public Health

Anwesha Sengupta

Anwesha Sengupta

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Alexa Spencer

School of the Arts

Anwesha Sengupta

Alexia Yun

Columbia Engineering 

About the CTL Graduate Student Advisory Committee

Graduate Student Advisory Committee members are selected by application, and agree to: 

  • Serve on the Committee for one academic year (fall and spring semesters), with the possibility for renewal up to 3 years
  • Participate in a brief orientation meeting prior to their first Committee meeting, to be scheduled according to member schedules 
  • Attend in person 2 two-hour Graduate Student Advisory Committee meetings each semester (4 meetings total, 2 per term), to be scheduled on dates to be determined at time of acceptance
  • Communicate in meetings with CTL staff to share feedback, insights, and perspectives, and on occasion share CTL-related information with the community/ies with which they have a connection

2023-24 Advisory Committee highlights and accomplishments

During the 2023-24 academic year, the inaugural Graduate Student Advisory Committee convened four times. Highlights and accomplishments including the following:

  • Mapping committee members’ collective representation and participation in communities across campus
  • Helping the CTL rethink and refresh its Teaching Orientation for Graduate Students. This entailed learning about a range of orientation models, consulting with peers, and advising CTL on a number of changes to be made in 2024-25, including 1. An expansion of the CTL’s in-person teaching orientation; 2. Revisions to the CTL’s online, asynchronous orientation modules; 3. The introduction of additional CTL supports, including themed office hours, a new workshop, and cohort-based emails with relevant programs and resources to further support first-time graduate instructors beyond orientation; and 4. Creation of a list of recommendations for departments leading their own in-house teaching orientations for graduate students
  • Recording an episode for the Dead Ideas in Teaching & Learning Podcast about the value of pedagogical development in doctoral programs
  • Advising CTL on next steps for the Advisory Committee

The CTL is here for graduate students.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for graduate students in both their current and future teaching responsibilities.