This Week for Faculty: 🍂 Get ready for Fall with the CTL!

by | Aug 23, 2022

Things to do before the start of classes

1. Visit your assigned classroom and familiarize yourself with the space and the technology available to support your teaching and your students’ learning. If you are teaching at Morningside, the following sites may be useful: Registrar-Managed Classrooms and Hybrid Classroom Locations. If you are teaching at CUIMC, you can explore classrooms and available Classroom Technology and Equipment. Consider how you will make the space work for you and your pedagogical approaches. Explore the CTL resource on Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces.

2. Set up your CourseWorks course site. Help your students navigate their learning in your course throughout the semester by organizing your CourseWorks site and making course materials available and accessible to your students. Upload your syllabus, organize course content into Modules, create Assignments (Quizzes, Discussions, and other online submissions) for students to complete, and post a welcome message. The CTL provides CourseWorks support including office hours to assist you as you set up your course site.

3. Identify the campus resources that will help your students thrive in your course. Whether it’s connecting with a librarian to support their work on a course assignment, getting writing help from the Writing Centertutoring, or well-being resources, sharing these resources with your students in class, on CourseWorks, and during office hours can ensure that students have what they need to meet course expectations.

4. Plan ahead for how you will facilitate learning continuity during the semester if a student is absent due to illness or for religious holidays. Work with your students to find alternative means for them to satisfy missed classes and course assessments. Explore the CTL resource Supporting Learning When Students Can’t Make It To Class. Instructors seeking guidance on particular religious holidays or forms of observance may contact Religious Life.

5. Take care of yourself. Recognize that you are best able to teach your students when you practice self-care. Proactively create a self-care plan and identify resources and networks of support that will help you maintain your personal and professional responsibilities throughout the semester. The Office of Work/Life and Human Resources offer well-being resources. At the CTL, we know teaching is hard. We are here to help! We invite you to schedule individual consultations and to join us for live events that foster community among instructors.

6. New to Columbia? Enroll in the online Office of the Provost Faculty Orientation. This virtual orientation aims to complement your own school’s orientation activities by introducing a range of University resources and offices devoted to supporting your teaching and scholarship.

*NEW* 30-minute instructional technology sessions

At the CTL, we design our sessions with you and your time in mind. We offer 30-minute demo sessions on Columbia-supported tools including Poll EverywhereEdDiscussion, and CourseWorks. Join us for these CTL Learning Designer facilitated sessions, learn about how these tools can support engagement and assessment in your Fall courses, and get your questions answered.

Engaging Students with Poll Everywhere
August 23, 11:30-12:00pm and August 30, 10:00-10:30am. Online.

Engaging Students with Ed Discussion
August 24, 12:30-1:00pm and August 30, 12:00-12:30pm. Online.

Setting Up Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions in CourseWorks
August 25, 1:00-1:30pm and August 31, 12:00-12:30pm. Online.

Sessions this week 

The CTL is offering sessions to help you get ready for Fall 2022. Learn about Columbia-supported tools, gain teaching strategies, connect with colleagues, and get excited about a new semester of teaching with us!

Monday, August 22, 2022:
It’s in the Syllabus! Or is it?: Designing a Transparent Syllabus

Register for this 90-minute online workshop on August 22.
Join the CTL for drop-in syllabus office hours, in-person in Butler 213 or online, Monday August 26 from 10am-12pm, or email to schedule your 1-1 consultation.

Teaching Inclusively From the Start
Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 22.

Teaching with CourseWorks

Register for this 90-minute online workshop on August 22.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022:
Four Ways to Manage Your Large Course

Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 23.

Engaging Students with Poll Everywhere

Register for this 30-minute online demo on August 23. 

Planning Your Lectures Based on the Science of Learning

Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 23. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022:
Engaging Students in Discussion

Register for this 60-minute workshop on August 24. 

Engaging Students with Ed Discussion

Register for this 30-minute online demo August 24.

Thursday, August 25, 2022:
Navigating HOT Moments: Before, During, and After Class

Register for this 75-minute online workshop on August 25.

Making Feedback Matter: Strategies That Serve You and Your Students

Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 25.

Setting Up Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions in CourseWorks

Register for this 30-minute online workshop on August 25.

Introduction to Gradescope: Grading and Feedback for Science and Engineering

Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 25.

Friday, August 26, 2022:
Establishing Shared Values of Academic Integrity with Undergraduates

Register for this 60-minute online workshop on August 26.

Unable to join us for live sessions this week? 

Schedule a consultation (in-person, online, over the phone), check out our on-demand resources at any time and from anywhere, and plan to join us for future offerings.