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Looking for Faculty Support?

Have questions about course and curricular design, assessment and evaluation, inclusive teaching, hosting a workshop in your department, teaching observations, or attending any of our face-to-face or online programs? Contact a Director from the Faculty Programs and Services (FPS) team, or email CTLfaculty@columbia.edu to request a consultation..

Do you need assistance setting up your course in CourseWorks (Canvas), designing hybrid elements of a course, or creating an online course? Did you build a course in CourseWorks (Canvas) and you want expert feedback? Are you thinking about integrating a new form of technology in your classroom? Contact the Learning Designer assigned to your department or school, the Associate Director for Instructional Design, or email ColumbiaCTL@columbia.edu.

Morningside Campus

Mark L. Phillipson

Marty Samuels

Faculty Programs and Services
212 853-1938

Suzanna Klaf

Suzanna Klaf

Associate Director
212 853-0655

Jessica Rowe

Jessica Rowe

Associate Director, Instructional Design
212 854-0207

john foo picture

John C. Foo

Senior Assistant Director, Science and Engineering
212 853-0653

Lucy Appert

Rebecca Petitti

Senior Assistant Director
212 851-7567

Aurora Collado

Aurora Collado

Learning Designer
212 851-7273

Aurora Collado

Nicole Hentrich

Senior Learning Designer
212 854-1869

Paul Stengel

Xiaoyan Qin

Learning Designer 
212 853-0651

Sam Sadeh

Sam Sadeh

Learning Designer
212 854-1851

Paul Stengel

Michael Tarnow

Learning Designer, Science and Engineering
212 853-0661

CUIMC Campus

Ashley Kingon

Alexis Cho

Learning Designer

Science of Learning Research Initiative

Ashley Kingon

Adam Brown

Associate Director, SOLER

Directory of CTL Learning Designer Assigned to Departments or Schools

Arts & Sciences – Humanities I

Classics; English and Comparative Literature; Core Curriculum; African American and African Diaspora Studies

Nicole Hentrich

East Asian Languages and Cultures

Xiaoyan Qin


Xiaoyan Qin

Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies; Religion; Philosophy

Aurora Collado

Arts & Sciences – Humanities II

French and Romance Philology; Germanic Languages; Italian; Latin American and Iberian Cultures; Slavic Languages

Aurora Collado

Art History and Archaeology

Xiaoyan Qin

Arts & Sciences – Natural Sciences

Astronomy; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics; Psychology

Sam Sadeh

Arts & Sciences – Social Sciences

Anthropology; Sociology; Economics; History; Political Science

Xiaoyan Qin

Barnard College

Alyssa Famolari

Business School

Mike Tarnow

Climate School

Xiaoyan Qin

College of Dental Medicine

Jenny Wang

Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Institute of Human Nutrition and Programs in Genetic Counseling; Occupational Therapy; Physical Therapy

Jenny Wang
MD Program

Jenny Wang

Jewish Theological Seminary

Nicole Hentrich

Law School

Nicole Hentrich

School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

Aurora Collado

School of the Arts

Film; Film and Media Studies; Theatre; Visual Arts; Writing; Sound Arts

Xiaoyan Qin

School of Engineering & Applied Science

Mike Tarnow

School of International & Public Affairs

Alyssa Famolari

School of Journalism

Nicole Hentrich

School of Nursing

Alexis Cho

School of Professional Studies

Alyssa Famolari

Mailman School of Public Health

Alexis Cho

School of Social Work

Sam Sadeh

Teachers College

Xiaoyan Qin

Union Theological Seminary

Alyssa Famolari

School of General Studies

Xiaoyan Qin


The CTL is here for faculty.

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for faculty in both their work and their professional development.