2020-21 Lead Teaching Fellows
Lead Teaching Fellows help keep the CTL informed about graduate students’ needs for programming and support. LTFs also share announcements of CTL programs and activities with their departments.
SLTFs and LTFs document their work and reflections on the LTF program website (Columbia University UNI log-in only). Clicking on an SLTF or LTF below will lead directly to a personal page on that site, which contains contact information as well as details about SLTF projects or LTF-produced events in home departments.
Senior Lead Teaching Fellows
Diana Newby
English and Comparative Literature
Abby Schroering
Kevin Windhauser
English and Comparative Literature
Lead Teaching Fellows
Sara Hamilton
Earth and Environmental Engineering
Jonathan Lambert
Earth and Environmental Science
Francesca Zhao
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Catherine Suffern
English and Comparative Literature
Ami Yoon
English and Comparative Literature
Cosima Mattner
Germanic Languages
Elliot Oblander
Karim Malak
Middle Eastern, South Asian, & African Studies
Sean Colonna
The CTL is here for graduate students.
The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning provides an array of support for graduate students in both their current and future teaching responsibilities.