This Week for Faculty: Three Facets of Teaching to Focus On This Summer ☀️

by | May 30, 2023

The summer is a great time to implement your plans for developing or enhancing your upcoming courses and explore new teaching practices to engage students in their learning. Here are three aspects of teaching and learning the CTL can support you with:

1. Course and Syllabus Design
Are you designing or redesigning a course? Revising a syllabus? The CTL offers a range of on-demand course design support, including a self-paced course, short instructional videos, and confidential consultations. We can provide guidance in designing an inclusive syllabus, and review and share feedback on a draft of your syllabi. Schedule a consultation to discuss your course or syllabus design needs.

2. Assessment and Assignment Design
Are you rethinking your course assessments, assignment design, and/or grading approach? The CTL offers on-demand resources on assessing student learning. We can help you develop an approach to assess equitablydesign assignments for learningincorporate rubrics into your feedback and grading practices, and integrate Columbia-supported tools such as CourseWorksGradescope, and QuizCon into your practice. Schedule a consultation to discuss course assessment, the integration of assessment tools, or for a consultant to review and provide feedback on a draft of your assignment and rubric.

3. Student Engagement and Active Learning
Are you looking to engage your students in their learning inside and outside of the classroom? The CTL can help you think through a variety of active learning strategies and engaged lecturing practices as well as ways to facilitate learning through discussions. We can also provide guidance on teaching with Do-It-Yourself video, and intentionally integrating Columbia-supported tools (such as CourseWorksPoll EverywhereEd DiscussionEdBlogsMediathread, and Locus Tempus) to engage students. Schedule a consultation to discuss student engagement or reach out directly to the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your department or school to discuss the integration of instructional technology.

The CTL is Here to Help All Summer!

Office Hours
Join us for office hours via Zoom (or phone) Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm to have your teaching with instructional technology questions answered.

Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss any teaching, learning, and mentoring needs by emailing or email the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your school or department.