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Fall 2024 Offerings

Engage in live offerings, explore our online resources and courses, and/or request a consultation, teaching observation, or Workshop To Go today.

Active Learning

Learn synchronously

Engaging Students with Poll Everywhere
30-minute demo session.
August 7, 2:00pm – 2:30pm

Getting Started with Active Learning
60-minute workshop.
August 12, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Planning Your Lectures Based on the Science of Learning
60-minute workshop.
August 12, 1:00 – 2:00pm

Building Community in the Classroom: Icebreakers
60-minute workshop.
August 13, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Engaging Students with Collaborative Annotation Tools
30-minute demo session.
August 13, 1:00pm – 1:30pm

Engaging Students in Discussion
60-minute workshop.
August 15, 10:00am – 11:00am

Engaging Students with EdDiscussion
30-minute demo session.
August 15, 11:30am – 12:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Active Learning for Your Online Classroom: Five Strategies Using Zoom
Online Resource

Collaborative Learning
Online Resource

Community Building in the Classroom
Online Resource

Developing Poll Questions to Engage and Assess Science and Engineering Students
Online Resource

Enhancing your Course Discussion Boards for Learning: Three Strategies Using Ed Discussion
Online Resource

Five Tips for Engaged Lecturing
Online Resource

Getting Started with Active Learning
Online Resource

Getting Started with Project-Based Learning
Online Resource

Learning Through Discussion
Online Resource 

Leveraging Annotation Activities and Tools to Promote Collaborative Learning
Online Resource

Teaching Large Courses Effectively and Efficiently
Online Resource

Anti-Racist Pedagogy

Learn synchronously:

Navigating HOT Moments: Before, During, & After Class
60-minute workshop.
August 15, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
September 4, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
September 12, 10:00am – 11:00am

Learn asynchronously:

Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps
Online Resource

Anti-Racist Pedagogy at Columbia
Recordings from the speaker series 

Assessing Equitably with All Learners in Mind
Online resource

Navigating Heated, Offensive, and Tense (HOT) Moments in the Classroom
Online Resource

Assessment of Student Learning

Learn synchronously:

Designing Transparent Assignments
60-minute workshop.
August 6, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Designing STEM Poll Questions that Go Beyond Recall
60-minute workshop.
August 7, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Making Feedback Matter: Strategies That Serve You and Your Students
60-minute workshop.
August 8, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Intro to Gradescope: Grading and Feedback for Science & Engineering
60-minute workshop.
August 8, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Assessing Equitably with All Learners in Mind
Online resource

Assessing Student Learning (Course Design Essentials)

Assessment and Grading in CourseWorks (Canvas) 2.0
Online Course

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs): Low-Stakes Strategies to Assess Active Learning
Online Resource

Creating Assignments and Grading Online with Gradescope
Online Resource

Designing Assignments for Learning
Online Resource

Feedback for Learning
Online Resource

Grading in Online Courses at Columbia: Tips and Strategies
Online Resource

Incorporating Rubrics Into Your Feedback and Grading Practices
Online Resource 

QuizCon: Multiple Choice Quizzing for Learning
Online Resource

Peer Review: Intentional Design for Any Course Context
Online Resource

Promoting Academic Integrity
Online Resource

Resources for Assessing Student Learning
Online Resource

Course Design

Looking to design or redesign a course? Learn more about the CTL’s support for course design and the step-by-step process of designing or redesigning a course.

Learn synchronously:

Designing a Transparent Syllabus
60-minute workshop.
August 6, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Designing Transparent Assignments
60-minute workshop.
August 6, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Designing an Inclusive Syllabus
Online resource

Course Design Essentials from the CTL
Video Playlist

Course Design Essentials (Online)
Online Course 

Seven Strategies for Success in Six-Week Immersive Courses
Online resource

Courseworks (Canvas)

Looking for assistance in using Columbia’s Learning Management System effectively in your teaching and to support your students’ learning?

Learn synchronously:

Making Your CourseWorks Site More Accessible
45-minute demo session.

Request a consultation or have your questions answered during office hours.

Department chairs and program directors can request an “Introduction to Teaching with CourseWorks” Workshop To Go.

Learn asynchronously:

Teaching with CourseWorks
Online Resource

Introduction to CourseWorks (Canvas) 2.0
Online Course

Assessment & Grading in CourseWorks (Canvas) 2.0
Online Course

Four Ways to Make Your CourseWorks Site More Accessible
Online Resource

Ed Tech for Engagement

Learn Synchronously:

Engaging Students with Poll Everywhere
30-minute demo session.
August 7, 2:00pm – 2:30pm

Intro to Gradescope: Grading and Feedback for Science & Engineering
60-minute workshop.
August 8, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Engaging Students with Annotation Tools
30-minute demo session.
August 13, 1:00pm – 1:30pm

Engaging Students with EdDiscussion
30-minute demo session.
August 15, 11:30am – 12:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Poll Everywhere
Online Resource

Learn more 

Online Resource

Locus Tempus
Learn more

QuizCon: Multiple Choice Quizzing for Learning
Online Resource

Teaching with Zoom
Online Resource

Inclusive Teaching

Interested in making your courses more inclusive of all Columbia learners? These offerings will provide you with practical strategies to implement in any course. Additionally, the CTL offers consultations on this topic as well as a Workshop To Go that can be requested by departments and schools.

Learn synchronously:

Teaching Inclusively From the Start
60-minute workshop.
August 5, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Making Your CourseWorks Site Accessible
45-minute workshop.
August 5, 1:00pm – 1:45pm

Clinical Teaching: Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles (for CUIMC faculty)
60-minute workshop.
August 5, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Building Community in the Classroom: Icebreakers
60-minute workshop.
August 13, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Preparing for a New Semester of Teaching
60-minute workshop.
August 14, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Accessibility in Teaching and Learning
Online Resource

Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles To Clinical Education
Online Resource

Designing an Inclusive Syllabus
Online Resource

Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia
Online Resource

Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom
Self-Paced Massive Open Online Course


Learn synchronously:

Preparing for a New Semester of Mentoring
60-minute workshop.
August 14, 3:00pm – 4:00pm 

Entering Mentoring: Addressing Equity and Inclusion
60-minute workshop.
September 19, 4:00pm – 5:00pm 

Entering Mentoring: Maintaining Effective Communication
60-minute workshop.
October 10, 10:00am – 11:00am 

Entering Mentoring: Aligning Expectations
60-minute workshop.
January 16, 2025; 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Entering Mentoring: Fostering Independence
60-minute workshop.
February 13, 2025; 10:00am – 11:00am 

Entering Mentoring: Assessing Understanding
60-minute workshop.
March 20, 2025; 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Request a Learning Community to Go on Mentoring 
Department chairs and program directors can request a facilitated conversation on mentoring of graduate students and postdocs as part of the Advancing Mentorship Practices initiative. Contact the CTL at CTLfaculty@columbia.edu.

Learn asynchronously:

Advancing Mentorship Practices: Supporting Mentors of Graduate Students and Postdocs at Columbia

Building Effective Mentoring Relationships with Graduate Students and Postdocs
Online Course

Keynote: Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring: Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment One Relationship at a Time (September 28, 2022; by Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence). 
Video recording (to access the recording available on Panopto, please authenticate using your Columbia UNI and password). 

Workshop: Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring: Inclusive Mentoring Skills (December 7, 2022; by Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence). 
Video recording (to access the recording available on Panopto, please authenticate using your Columbia UNI and password). 

New to Teaching at Columbia

The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement welcome new faculty to participate in an orientation that introduces them to the Columbia community and offers practical, evidence-based teaching strategies they can implement on the first day of class.

Office of the Provost Faculty Orientation
Online Course

Pedagogical Wellness

Learn synchronously:

Easing into a New Semester of Teaching: A Conversational Space for Faculty
60-minute conversations.
September 5, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
September 10, 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Bring these conversations to your department!
Department chairs and program directors can request a facilitated conversation. Contact the CTL at CTLfaculty@columbia.edu.

Learn asynchronously

Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge
Online Resource

Provost Teaching and Learning Grants

Learn asynchronously:

Office of the Provost’s Teaching and Learning Grants

Teaching in All Modalities

Thinking of moving lecture and course materials online to free up in-class time for active learning? Interested in creating multimedia instructional materials for your courses? These offerings will get you started on the basics of blended learning and do-it-yourself media production.

Learn asynchronously:

Teaching in All Modalities
Online Resource Portal

Blended Learning
Online Resource

Blended Learning Essentials
Online Course 

Five Tips for Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching with All Learners in Mind
Online Resource

From Online to Face-to-Face–Keeping What Works
Online Resource 

Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching Strategies
Online Resources 

Hybrid and Online Teaching Institute for Faculty
Online course

Reflecting On Your Experiences with Remote Teaching: Making Meaning of Pandemic Teaching
Online Resource

Return to the Morningside Classroom with Students’ Well-Being in Mind: A Forum for Faculty and TAs. 60-minute panel and Q&A from September 21, 2021.
Video recording 

Transition to In-Person Teaching
Online Resource

Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces
Online Resource 

Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge
Online Resource 

Teaching with AI Tools

Learn synchronously:

Leveraging AI for Learning Activities
90-minute workshop. 
August 12, 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Leveraging AI for Teaching and Course Design
90-minute workshop. 
August 14, 1:00pm – 2:30pm

AI Institute 
1-day, multiple sessions. 
September 17, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Faculty Book Discussion Group: Teaching with AI 
September 26, October 24, November 21, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Request a Learning Community to Go on Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI 
Department chairs and program directors can request the CTL facilitate a conversation either in-person or via Zoom; we are happy to join existing meetings or groups. Contact the CTL at CTLfaculty@columbia.edu.

Learn asynchronously

Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI: Considerations, Resources, and Opportunities
Online Resource

Considerations for AI Tools in the College Classroom 
Online Resource 

Incorporating Generative AI in Teaching and Learning: Faculty Examples Across Disciplines
Online Resource

Learner Perspectives on AI Tools: Digital Literacy, Academic Integrity, and Student Engagement
Online Resource

Teaching and ChatGPT Forum (February 13, 2023)
Video recording

Using AI Writing Tools in Your Scientific Writing Process (May 2, 2023). A seminar with Tim Requarth, Lecturer in Science & Writing at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, co-sponsored by the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Teachers College, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the departments of Biological Sciences and Statistics. 

Teaching at CUIMC

Learn synchronously:

Request a consultation. Contact the CTL at CTLfaculty@columbia.edu

Department chairs and program directors can request a Clinical Teaching Workshop To Go. Sessions include:

Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles (for CUIMC faculty)
60-minute workshop.
August 5, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
December 12, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Effective Feedback in Clinical Settings (for CUIMC faculty)
60-minute workshop.
August 8, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
December 10, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Effective Feedback in Clinical Settings
Online Resource

Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles To Clinical Education
Online Resource

Teaching in Science and Engineering

Learn synchronously:

Designing STEM Poll Questions that Go Beyond Recall
60-minute workshop.
August 7, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Intro to Gradescope: Grading and Feedback for Science & Engineering
60-minute workshop.
August 8, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Learn asynchronously:

Creating Assignments and Grading Online with Gradescope
Online resource

Developing Poll Questions to Engage and Assess Student Thinking in Science and Engineering Courses
Online resource

Designing for Inquiry-Based Learning In Undergraduate Science And Engineering Lab Courses
Online resource

Promoting Student Inquiry in Science and Engineering Lab Courses (Columbia Faculty Panel).
Video recording

Teaching with Media

Teaching with Panopto
Online Resource

Teaching With Do-It-Yourself Video
Online Resource

Platform created and supported by the CTL

The CTL is here to help!

Access live, one on one CTL teaching support. Learn more on the Get Help page.

Services by Request

Unable to join or not seeing any offerings that meet your immediate needs? Request the following: